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album "Abstraction" Boris Katorgin

sorted by number in album ascending

photo "Autumn abstraction"
Autumn abstraction
# 1

photo "Mirages of Pure ponds"
Mirages of Pure ponds
# 2

photo "Dissolution"
# 3
  • section: + discussion
  • categories:

photo "Continuation"
# 4

photo "Winter water color"
Winter water color
# 5

photo "Mirages of the winter river Churilikha - 1"

photo "Mirages of the winter river Churilikha - 2"

photo "Mirages of the winter river Churilikha - 4"

photo "Mirages of the winter river Churilikha - 5"

photo "Iridescent abstraction"
Iridescent abstraction
# 10

photo "On that side of winter"
On that side of winter
# 11

photo "Thin side"
Thin side
# 12

photo "Small islands of a reality"
Small islands of a reality
# 13

updated: 21:14