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Photo "Cloud & Tree"

photo "Cloud & Tree" tags: landscape, travel, Asia, clouds
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Cloud & Tree
Tue 25 Sep 2001 20:14
comments (5 from 5)
all comments descending
Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #1 Wed 26 Sep 2001 00:17

I haven`t been here for a while so to see this photo compared to you other photos is very interesting. You have given us COLOR and EXPANCE which is a jump from you b/w tight "village" photos. You are even more talente4d then I thought you were before.

Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #2 Wed 26 Sep 2001 00:47

Beautiful, strong and dramatic. How do you do it?

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #3 Wed 26 Sep 2001 03:42

Wow! What a beauty of a shot. Winter? *S*

David Wu David Wu #4 Wed 26 Sep 2001 09:45

To Todd:
Thank you !
I`ve many landscape and village`s photos.....the landscape make people in a good humor and "village" need people to think.....
God bless you can understand what I wrote.....@_@

To Melanie:
panoramic camera was used.....@_@

To Sandra:
Aha! yes,it`s winter....*_*

Mary Waters Mary Waters #5 Thu 27 Sep 2001 02:00

This makes my soul happy!!! I have a deep appreciation for clouds, and sets. just much depth.. pretty incredible what colors emerge in our skies..