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Фото "boring"

фото "boring" метки: натюрморт, черно-белые,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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сб 13 мар 2004 15:56
пленочная камера Nikon F90 / N90
фотовспышка Metz 45 CL-4
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комментарии (7 из 7)
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Наталия Нурланд Наталия Нурланд #2 сб 13 мар 2004 18:34

very funny!!!

Andre Andre #3 сб 13 мар 2004 19:00

Good example of the "Decisive moment", but all the highlights are "burned" and the DOF is very narrow.

Best regards


Avi Baram Avi Baram #4 вс 14 мар 2004 00:02

Thanks, Everyone have different angle about "highlights are "burned" and the DOF is very narrow. "
And every one have his style.
by the way` I like your style, beautiful job!
but it`s not mean that I will change my style.

Andre Andre #5 вс 14 мар 2004 00:54


Sorry if I hurt your feelings, that for sure was not the intention here, the objective of such comment is mere constructive analysis, nothing else.
As each individual having their own style, fully agree with that, and I also believe if happy with it, one shouldn`t change but rather improve it.
My work has improved all the time listening to others constructive criticism, sometimes people see what we can`t due to the emotional approach we (Photographers) have to our work.

Happy shooting


Avi Baram Avi Baram #6 вс 14 мар 2004 15:42

Hello dear Andre.
No, You don`t hurt my feeling улыбаюсь
I still teach photography and I have been shooting almost 32 years.
You have your own style, and I love your style. Sometimes we have different
angles about some objects. Sometimes we want to take it very soft, very
calm,and sometimes we want to take it with very strong colors, depends on
the way we feel about the objects.
In this case, it`s what I feel about this object, the original was color
picture, but I use photoshop to create different meaning .
we create the pictures for us, and we try to share our feeling with others,
not to impress them. some of them can like it and other dont.
and yes, we are never stop to learn and improve ourself.
Have a good shooting улыбаюсь

C. A. C. A. #7 вс 4 апр 2004 07:10

LOL....great capture!
And the soft blurryness adding to a dreamlike, sleepy mood!

Avi Baram Avi Baram #8 вс 4 апр 2004 10:15

Thanks улыбаюсь Its fun when someone understand your feeling about your picture. улыбаюсь