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комментарии (4 из 4)
все комментарии по убыванию
Brites dos Santos Brites dos Santos #1 ср 14 апр 2004 01:45

Goos colours and graphics.

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #2 ср 14 апр 2004 06:15

Lovely geometrics and contrasting colors. Maybe a small crop from the top would be nice to not interrupt the three predominant colors. Just a small thought. улыбаюсь

mn mn #3 ср 14 апр 2004 11:28

Great contrast of colors, nice composition, great job Elena, regards, Miguel ; )

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #4 пн 17 май 2004 19:01

Excellent composition with beautiful contrast of colors!!! I like very much! Congrats!