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Фото "Insect"

фото "Insect" метки: макро и крупный план, природа, насекомое
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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комментарии (15 из 17)
все комментарии по убыванию
Алена Баева Алена Баева #1 сб 3 ноя 2001 23:11

A good composition with intresting colors and very long whiskers:)

Луиза Луиза #2 вс 4 ноя 2001 00:03


Rainer Ehlert Rainer Ehlert #3 вс 4 ноя 2001 00:22

Great DOF and Colors and the sharpness is where it should be.

Alekseev Dmitry Alekseev Dmitry #4 вс 4 ноя 2001 00:27

Piter,yor photo is butiful/ I`m love your photo. Dmitry
Я бы не смог сделать такую прекрасную фотографию.
I`m wait your works!

Al  Shortt Al Shortt #5 вс 4 ноя 2001 01:05

Excellent DOF use, making the background very complementary.

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #6 вс 4 ноя 2001 04:27

WOW! This is fantastic, Peter! Where in the world do you come up with an insect as colorful as this? улыбаюсь

Greg Summers Greg Summers #7 вс 4 ноя 2001 04:44

This is beginning to bug me Peter - in the best possible way, of course улыбаюсь you have a great eye for their great eyes

Adel Mansour Adel Mansour #8 вс 4 ноя 2001 11:22

What a beautiful Picture,superb Macro work.

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #9 вс 4 ноя 2001 12:30

Excellent shot Peter, good DOF nice complementary background.

P. Schwarz P. Schwarz #10 вс 4 ноя 2001 16:16

I know what you mean, Greg!

Mary Waters Mary Waters #11 вс 4 ноя 2001 18:29

wow....I think it`s plenty good to get positive feedback...funny, when I was scrolling down this image...I thought that the stem was an insect leg..Hmmmm, I pondered..."this really is from a different perspective!!"....I was pleasantly surprised..again, the subject and that background are so harmonious....good job...

David Wu David Wu #12 вс 4 ноя 2001 21:15

good job!

P. Schwarz P. Schwarz #13 пн 5 ноя 2001 00:02

Thank you ALL very much - you are VERY KIND again!!!
Special thanks to Demi- thanks for your email

Rene TRIEBL Rene TRIEBL #14 пн 5 ноя 2001 05:01

Oh, I missed this! Certainly one of your best, Peter!

ЯСный ЯСный #15 вт 6 ноя 2001 01:42

great color composition, picture of the life somewhere far from the noisy cities, this funny grasshopper don`t have to worry about job, dwelling, food and so on, just took his time to investigate you quietly out of his shelter. (But probably it was a story for a moment and this moment you managed to catch) this pisture is really to enjoy, Peter!