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Фото "Сулико (1)"

фото "Сулико  (1)" метки: портрет, женщина
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Сулико (1)
У Сулико - дебют! 
пт 16 июл 2004 11:36
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (5 из 5)
все комментарии по убыванию
Jaak BELLEN Jaak BELLEN #1 пт 16 июл 2004 13:05

Very good composition Wlad.

Arvid Klokk Arvid Klokk #2 пт 16 июл 2004 22:46

Nice light and good color.
Soft sensual portrait.

Mads Henriksen Mads Henriksen #3 сб 17 июл 2004 00:19

Hey Vladimir

This time again - in my oppinion... background to sharp... use bigger aparture or blur background in PS. Make a mask around the model and blur the background, also blur the 2 horisontal lines cutting into her left hand. Then... just for fun... give the the main motive a bit unsharp masking - you will love it...

Show me you can do it... and upload the revised pict...

Regards Mads

Vladimir CAT Vladimir CAT #5 пн 19 июл 2004 10:20

#3 Mads Henriksen написал(а):
> Hey Vladimir
This time again - in my oppinion...
> background to sharp... use bigger aparture or blur
> background in PS. Make a mask around the model and blur the background, also blur the 2 horisontal lines cutting into
> her left hand. Then... just for fun... give the the main
> motive a bit unsharp masking - you will love it...
Show me you can do it... and upload the revised pict...
Regards Mads
Mads Henriksen, thanks you for attention to my works and interesting advice! I have bought the textbook on use of a photoshop! As I shall study - I shall do beautifully! I yet do not know as to do a mask around of model and other...:-(For now I shall expose photos such as they have left the camera! Success and successes in your affairs!

Remi Aerts Remi Aerts #4 сб 17 июл 2004 08:41

good and nice portret
well done!!!