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Photo "another sunset.."

photo "another sunset.." tags: landscape, sunset
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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another sunset..
Fri 6 Aug 2004 00:20
comments (9 from 9)
all comments descending
miguel miguel #1 Fri 6 Aug 2004 00:26

Very nice.

Sanjin Lopatic Sanjin Lopatic #2 Fri 6 Aug 2004 02:02

Yeap, another beautiful sunset...


Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #3 Fri 6 Aug 2004 07:17

Very beautiful capture!!!

Nadezda Koldysheva Nadezda Koldysheva #4 Fri 6 Aug 2004 12:23

Beautiful sky!

Donin Seryi Donin Seryi #5 Fri 6 Aug 2004 15:59

Эта работа на мой взгляд приятное исключение из общего ряда. Как правило, закат ото-бражается темными, угнетенными тонами, но в данном случае автору удалось передать имен-но теплые, мягкие цвета заходящего солнца. Автору удалось поймать момент за секунду до наступления ночи и передать зрителю соответствующее настроение.

Joanna C Joanna C #6 Fri 6 Aug 2004 20:46

Hello Donin, thank you for commenting on my photo but unfortunately i don`t understand what you are writing!
It would be really helpfull and also good for me as i like taking oponions, to send your comment in english if possible.
Thank you again!

Donin Seryi Donin Seryi #9 Sat 7 Aug 2004 07:11

My English not so good, therefore I shall try through the translator. This work in my opinion pleasant exception of the general lines. As a rule, the decline is displayed by the dark, oppressed tones, but in this case the author managed to transfer warm, soft colors of the coming sun. The author managed to catch the moment for a second before night and to transfer the spectator corresponding mood.

Michael McCann Michael McCann #7 Fri 6 Aug 2004 21:11

And another beautiful one at that!

Arvid Klokk Arvid Klokk #8 Sat 7 Aug 2004 01:39

beautiful colours. Well done.