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Фото "A Fashion Statement"

фото "A Fashion Statement" метки: природа, юмор, домашние животные
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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A Fashion Statement
This picture was actually taken by my 12 year old daughter Emilienne picturing her dog Prins. My only involvment is: the background frame and a bit of "red-eye" reduction, all the rest, setup and composition her work. 
пт 8 окт 2004 04:48
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R.K. R.K. #1 пт 8 окт 2004 05:04

If to clean glasses, ornaments and a cloth from a background! The fine portrait would be.

Andre Hulstaert Andre Hulstaert #2 пт 8 окт 2004 05:40

Indeed I fully agree with you -- for a portrait. This is not a formal portrait but more a reflection of a moment an expression. At one point I even agreed with the cloth in the back, even for this picture and changed it, even reposted with a full upper black background. On second thought I did not like it and changed it back to its original form because I found, with the full black background, it lacked spontaneity and then the accessories like glasses etc really became offensive. Photography is a form of art and art is subjective. I will not boast that this is fine art, but it is an expression of a twelve year old girl who took the picture all by herself, without me even knowing it. I am sorry but I disagree with you as the picture stands now: an spontaneous expression, I do agree if we were talking about a portrait though.
#1 R.K. wrote:

> If to clean glasses, ornaments and a cloth from a
> background! The fine portrait would be.

monique monique #3 пт 8 окт 2004 06:11

that is sooooo sweet
thank, your daughter for taking this photo
this lucky little guy receives a lot of love
you can tell by the way she decorated it her or him

his eyes look great, your red eye does a good job

i wish the situation in other country where war is would experience peace
this is a peaceful photo

R.K. R.K. #5 сб 9 окт 2004 01:51

Thanks for an explanation.
I havn`t read your explanation before. I`m sorry.

R.K. R.K. #6 сб 9 окт 2004 02:08

Thanks for explanations. I haven`t read through the note. I regret.

Andre Hulstaert Andre Hulstaert #7 сб 9 окт 2004 03:48

No problem-----
#6 R.K. wrote:

> Thanks for explanations. I haven`t read through the note. I
> regret.

David Griffiths David Griffiths #8 сб 23 окт 2004 00:42

Very cute, Emilieme. Great presentation.

strelka strelka #9 чт 29 ноя 2012 02:19

beautiful photo