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Фото "Ponte Vasco da Gama"

фото "Ponte Vasco da Gama" метки: архитектура, пейзаж,
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Ponte Vasco da Gama
This newest bridge in Lisbon, Ponte Vasco da Gama, enables north-south traffic to bypass the Portuguese capital and was built as an alternative route to the 25 de Abril Bridge, frequently congested with traffic jams especially during the rush-hour periods.

This seemingly never-ending bridge is a Cable-stayed bridge. The builders took special steps to protect a local bird sanctuary and rehoused 300 families, who were living in slums, to much better accommodation

Vasco da Gama is the largest bridge in Europe with a length of 17.2 km (10 miles), 10 km of which are over the Tagus river. It was inaugurated on the 4th of April 1998. Located right next to the Nations Park (former site of the Expo 98) it got its name on the same year of the 5th centenary of the arrival of Vasco da Gama to India.

The bridge was designed to withstand an earthquake four times greater than the 1755 earthquake that devastated Lisbon.

ср 19 янв 2005 02:39
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комментарии (15 из 24)
все комментарии по убыванию
Daniel Loebmann Daniel Loebmann #1 ср 19 янв 2005 03:21

Great capture and interesting report congrats Brites!!!

Gonzalo de Maqua Gonzalo de Maqua #2 ср 19 янв 2005 03:30

Fantastic effect with Bridge, fantastic Work

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #3 ср 19 янв 2005 04:35

Excellent perspective and report!

A V E A V E #4 ср 19 янв 2005 08:44

WOW! amazing!!! very niceley done!! beautiful compasition and very interesting report!

Александр Черкасин Александр Черкасин #5 ср 19 янв 2005 10:00

Excellent perspective! Nice shot!

Thierry Vallet Thierry Vallet #6 ср 19 янв 2005 11:07

Splendid composition. And many thanks for your presentation.

Carmikel C Carmikel C #7 ср 19 янв 2005 11:48

Very nice and well made picture!! Superb light! Great viewpoint! Very good notes. Very good work.

Мария Котова Мария Котова #8 ср 19 янв 2005 14:22

Wonderful perspective!
Great work!
best regards!

Ирина Опачевская Ирина Опачевская #9 ср 19 янв 2005 15:05

nice composition!

AYTAC AYTAC #10 ср 19 янв 2005 15:30

Excellent composition. Great work

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #11 ср 19 янв 2005 16:35

Excelente composicao e luz, belas perspectiva.muito bonita.Cumprimentos

thoenen walo thoenen walo #12 ср 19 янв 2005 16:57



Arvid Klokk Arvid Klokk #13 ср 19 янв 2005 22:11

just have no words...

luquesio melo luquesio melo #14 ср 19 янв 2005 23:15

Muito bonita esta perspectiva, meu amigo!
Very well captured. Congrats and regards.

luquesio melo luquesio melo #15 ср 19 янв 2005 23:18

Esqueci de dizer que a sua informacao acerca da ponte e simplesmente fantastica! Um abraco.