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Фото ""The shortest way to meet the Poets...""

фото ""The shortest way to meet the Poets..."" метки: разное,
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"The shortest way to meet the Poets..."
"To Be a Poet"

To be a poet is to be taller,
to be larger than most men!
It is to bite as if to kiss!
It is to beg and yet to give,
Like the King of the Realm of both sides of the pain!

It is to have a thousand wishes, all that splendour
And not know which one to desire!
It is to have inside a flaming star,
To have the claws and wings of the condor!

Florbela Espanca 
сб 22 янв 2005 20:06
сканер Epson
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комментарии (15 из 50)
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Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #1 сб 22 янв 2005 20:20

Excelente perspectiva, muito bem feito, Luquesio
Grande abraзo

Carmikel C Carmikel C #2 сб 22 янв 2005 20:26

Very nice and well made picture! Great poem!

Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #4 сб 22 янв 2005 20:32

Excelent perspectiva, luquesio!!!

yves ralim yves ralim #5 сб 22 янв 2005 20:43

Nice perspective, and (one more) excellent composition! Bravo mon ami!

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #6 сб 22 янв 2005 20:46

good angle and good photo. and the lighting, too, congrat

AYTAC AYTAC #8 сб 22 янв 2005 21:22

Perfect perspective. Beautiful light and tones. Congrats

A V E A V E #9 сб 22 янв 2005 21:26

great work! massive compasition nice poem!)

Graca Cavadas Graca Cavadas #10 сб 22 янв 2005 21:28

Fantбstica perspectiva e enquadramento!
Bela luz, belo contraste!
Belo tнtulo!

Great composition!
Nice title!

Leonilda Correia Leonilda Correia #11 сб 22 янв 2005 21:45

Linda perspectiva, Luquesio. O "Parque dos Poetas" tem cantos lindos!

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #12 сб 22 янв 2005 22:04

Excelente perspectiva e control de luz meu amigo!

manuel molinos manuel molinos #13 сб 22 янв 2005 22:30

Bom momento

thoenen walo thoenen walo #14 сб 22 янв 2005 22:54



Petur Einarsson Petur Einarsson #15 сб 22 янв 2005 22:58

Wonderful picture. Very good colors and ligth.
I like it.

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #16 вс 23 янв 2005 00:37

Great perspective... So beautiful!!!!
Wonderful poem!!!
I like it a lot!!!


miguel miguel #17 вс 23 янв 2005 01:54

Excelente perspectiva, equilibrio de luz e cor. Grande trabalho. Abracos.