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Фото ""Teixeira de Pascoaes""

фото ""Teixeira de Pascoaes"" метки: разное,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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"Teixeira de Pascoaes"
"The shadow of Man"

So much do I feel nature,
So much do I love it, that I mistake myself for it!
And now, who am I? In this uncertainty
I call myself. Who responds? The world.

I call out for myself; and the star responds.
I call again; and the sea says: who calls?
And the flower asks: where are you? Where?
Behold the terrible fortune of he who loves.

Teixeira de Pascoaes - 1877/1952

I`ll try to show you how the places (where the sculptures are along the park) were arranged and what visitors can see!
Thanks for your support. Best regards. 
вт 25 янв 2005 19:37
сканер Epson
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Ярослав Крыцун Ярослав Крыцун #1 вт 25 янв 2005 19:47

Great picture and very interesting comment! Congratulations!

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #2 вт 25 янв 2005 19:54

bela reportagem...mais uma vez parabens por nos mostrar coisas desta sua tao linda terra...

Graca Cavadas Graca Cavadas #3 вт 25 янв 2005 20:01

Isto nгo й uma galeria, й uma Enciclopedia ilustrada! улыбаюсь )
E bem ilustrada!
Esta foto estб muito bonita, quer pela luz, quer pelo belo fundo!
Great composution!
Nice homage!

Petunina Irina Petunina Irina #5 вт 25 янв 2005 20:44

Excellent view! Congratulations.

miguel miguel #6 вт 25 янв 2005 20:54

Uma bela homenagem a uma figura de grande craveira. Luz optima, bom enquadramento. parabens Luquesio! Um abraco.

Мария Котова Мария Котова #7 вт 25 янв 2005 21:01

Splendid composition!
Very nice veiw and detail!

Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #8 вт 25 янв 2005 21:02

Very well presented
Ambiente muito bem captado
Abraco, Luquesio

Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #9 вт 25 янв 2005 21:06

Very interesting work!!!

A V E A V E #11 вт 25 янв 2005 21:30

very good compasition! nice clors and tones clear details!

Gonzalo de Maqua Gonzalo de Maqua #12 вт 25 янв 2005 22:18

bonita toma, congratulations

Александр Власенков Александр Власенков #13 вт 25 янв 2005 22:40

Nice color! Good shot!

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #14 вт 25 янв 2005 22:47

Excellente em todos os aspectos...e estamos numa de poesia улыбаюсь

Brian Swift Brian Swift #15 вт 25 янв 2005 22:51

Another great image Luqesio well composed my friend.

Arvid Klokk Arvid Klokk #16 вт 25 янв 2005 22:54

Very beautifully!
Magnificent work!
And a wonderful historie

thoenen walo thoenen walo #17 вт 25 янв 2005 23:09

