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Фото ""Humanity will shine""

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"Humanity will shine"
While I`m waiting for permission from Oeiras City Council to take some more pictures in the Poets Park I`ll post some I took last weekend at New York City. 
ср 9 фев 2005 20:59
сканер Epson
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комментарии (15 из 44)
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Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #1 ср 9 фев 2005 21:02

Bom apontamento do ambiente urbano, Luquesio
Grande abraco

Алексей Кузин Алексей Кузин #2 ср 9 фев 2005 21:22

Good plot from a city life

Petur Einarsson Petur Einarsson #3 ср 9 фев 2005 21:33

Very good composition.

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #4 ср 9 фев 2005 22:09

Muito dinamica e com um titulo muito apropriado, a luz esta muito equilibrada Luquesio, muito bom regresso!

miguel miguel #5 ср 9 фев 2005 22:11

E porque nao dizer que NY tambem e uma cidade de contraste Luquesio:) Muito bom enquadramento, um registo muito tipico dessa grande cidade.

Jose Antonio Moreno Jose Antonio Moreno #6 ср 9 фев 2005 22:33

Luquesio reporter!

Pretty image of the daily life.

Юрий Тяпин Юрий Тяпин #7 ср 9 фев 2005 22:42

intersting street shot!
humanity shines with its bold heads )))

A V E A V E #8 ср 9 фев 2005 22:53

very good street capture! i like it a lot!!

Brian Swift Brian Swift #9 ср 9 фев 2005 23:20

Certainly a big change in architecture type buildings Lequesio? "Humanity will shine" is a good title but makes one question the word when you read the headlines of the paper being sold by the vendor"Murder" I like the image,I will say no more my friend

luquesio melo luquesio melo #24 чт 10 фев 2005 12:12

Hi Brian
The idea was to capture the front page of the newspaper together with the the other one"Humanity will shine" but I did not have the guts to face the man with the D100!... My son did it with a coolpix 5700 and got a great photo, much, much better than mine.
Best regards.

Brian Swift Brian Swift #32 чт 10 фев 2005 23:00

Hello Luquesio,
Thanks for your reply,will we see the one your son took?Like I said I tried all ways to read the headlines.Take care whils`t on your travels My Friend.

chandru shahani chandru shahani #10 ср 9 фев 2005 23:47

This is a beautiful shot.
I enjoy looking at this picture.

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #11 чт 10 фев 2005 00:41

Great street capture my friend!!!!
Excellent composition... Beautiful!!


Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #12 чт 10 фев 2005 00:50

A beautiful street scene. Jinhos.

Viaceslav Viaceslav #13 чт 10 фев 2005 01:27

Good moment.