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Фото ""Symbolic signs""

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"Symbolic signs"
I took a very low shooting position in order to capture the two police officers and the reflections and shadows in this skyscraper nearby St. Patrick`s Cathedral, 5th Avenue, NYC. 
пт 11 фев 2005 17:50
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mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #1 пт 11 фев 2005 17:59

nice shot, ugly cops, very nice reflection

Марианна Дюгаева Марианна Дюгаева #2 пт 11 фев 2005 18:31

Nice composition.

Василий Калинкин Василий Калинкин #3 пт 11 фев 2005 19:21

Very nice composition!
Best regards!

Jose Antonio Moreno Jose Antonio Moreno #4 пт 11 фев 2005 19:30

Amazing shot!!!

Excellent perspective and beautiful reflection.

I like this picture, very well done Luquesio, a have a nice weekend.

Виктор Буряченко Виктор Буряченко #5 пт 11 фев 2005 19:59

The Excellent moment: prospect, composition and hyperbole - an excellent frame!!!

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #6 пт 11 фев 2005 20:32

Really great shot Luquesio улыбаюсь
muito bem composta esta cene.

Petur Einarsson Petur Einarsson #7 пт 11 фев 2005 21:01

Wery good composition.
Good reflection and shadows.
I like it

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #8 пт 11 фев 2005 21:57

Beautiful. Muito bem visto, Luquesio. Abracos.

A V E A V E #9 пт 11 фев 2005 22:44

another great one luquesio !!

Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #10 пт 11 фев 2005 22:50

Faz um belo efeito, Luquesio

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #11 пт 11 фев 2005 23:39

Excelente captura. meu amigo... Muito bem observada! Gosto demais dos reflexos e das cores!

miguel miguel #14 сб 12 фев 2005 00:25

Este angulo favorece claramente a imagem meu amigo. Muito bem visto, conforme sublinhou a Regina. Grande abraco e parabens. Bfds ja agora!

manuel molinos manuel molinos #15 сб 12 фев 2005 00:26

excelente perspectiva. abracos

Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #16 сб 12 фев 2005 01:42

belo trabalho, meu amigo
grande abraco e bom fim de semana

Quynh Ton Quynh Ton #17 сб 12 фев 2005 02:02

This is nice shot!