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Фото "Nick"

фото "Nick" метки: портрет, мужчина
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Nick Oliveri of Queens of the stone age on stage in Ljubljana/Slovenija 
пт 11 мар 2005 05:29
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Oskars Ozols Oskars Ozols #1 пт 11 мар 2005 07:39

very ideologic !!!

Boris B. Voglar Boris B. Voglar #2 пт 11 мар 2005 08:32

I don`t understand you ?
Ideologic ? why ? In which snese ??
What`s ideologic ? Can you be more precise ?

Oskars Ozols Oskars Ozols #5 пн 14 мар 2005 13:04

As I saw it, it looks like an saint aura around his head, like it was your idol in some way, your favourite musician... улыбаюсь
You must consider what impression your pictures make on the viewers, and this is mine.

Best regards,

Boris B. Voglar Boris B. Voglar #7 чт 17 мар 2005 00:25

The saint aura is coincidence. This is a spotlight above his head. I just capture him on that way to have an aurora around his head, just becouse it looks cool. I do like Queens of the stone age, nut not so much; to make their bass player an idol for me.

I toght firstly, that you consider under `ideologic` the way that I used PS, to colour him red. He could look like Lenin with a guitar too. And thats on the oposite politic side. So whats now ideologic here. I think that ideology is in some way in viewers mind.


Thanks for your opinion.

alexander uspeshny alexander uspeshny #3 пт 11 мар 2005 14:17

Хороший кадр, фотошопили или нет? Если да, то мне кажется поменьше нужно было...

thoenen walo thoenen walo #4 пт 11 мар 2005 15:49



K2007 K2007 #6 пн 14 мар 2005 20:16

Impressive "heavy duty" portrait. I particularly like colouring and the pose.