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Фото ""Silhouette of Alexandre O`Neill`s sculpture""

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"Silhouette of Alexandre O`Neill`s sculpture"
Alexandre O’Neill was born in Lisbon and was very well known because his great sense of humour and creativity.
His love for Portugal was depicted with tenderness and irony, sometimes in a very satirical way.

“To an olive tree”

They say that long before the Lusiads
You were here

Before Camoes
Season upon season
You were beaten for centuries on end.

The pine travelled,
You stayed.

To the barbarous sound of a battery radio,
Tablecloths are spread
In your speckled shade.

Alexandre O’Neill 1924-1986 
пн 14 мар 2005 00:09
сканер Epson
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miguel miguel #1 пн 14 мар 2005 00:21

Que trabalho fantastico que voce esta a fazer Luquesio. Mal vi esta foto lembrei-me de toda a satira poetica deste grande poeta e daquela composicao: "a forca do halito" que decorei quando li a primeira vez e nunca mais esqueci. Um contra-luz muito bonito. Parabens.

Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #2 пн 14 мар 2005 00:28

Muito bom o ambiente para esta silhueta
Grande abraco, Luquesio

Craig Hansen Craig Hansen #4 пн 14 мар 2005 00:58

Another great poet from a great country photographed by a great guy!

chandru shahani chandru shahani #5 пн 14 мар 2005 01:00

A brilliant composition
with nice soft special effects in the sky.

Tamie Tamie #6 пн 14 мар 2005 01:17

Interesting idea and lightning!

Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #7 пн 14 мар 2005 01:29

boa luz e boas palavras essas! well done, Luquesio!

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #9 пн 14 мар 2005 01:58

This is very beautiful, my friend. Jinhos.

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #10 пн 14 мар 2005 02:00

uma bela reportagem...

A V E A V E #11 пн 14 мар 2005 02:14

very beautiful evening makes it all even more beautiful!

Alexandr Perevezentsev Alexandr Perevezentsev #12 пн 14 мар 2005 02:26

Interesting work!

A. Girao A. Girao #13 пн 14 мар 2005 02:50

Luquesio alem de fotografo esta a fazer um trabalho fora de serie pois esta divulgar um o patrimonio cultural deste nosso cantinho...
O meu Obrigado por este tipo de trabalho...
...Que tem uma qualidade fora de serie

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #14 пн 14 мар 2005 03:53

A luz e a composicao estao uma maravilha Luquesio!
Great capture !

Armando Cardoso Armando Cardoso #15 пн 14 мар 2005 14:34

Excellent capture, in a perfect harmony with the text poetical meaning.
Bravo Luquesio

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #16 пн 14 мар 2005 14:49

very nice dark tones
best regards

Сергей Пуляев Сергей Пуляев #17 пн 14 мар 2005 15:57

very good colors of sky, panoramic view of the city. the sculpture, yes, correct, it is the silhouette only because of niht time. gostei, sem ver-lo peguei da foto sua impressao, emocoes.