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Photo "meditation"

photo "meditation" tags: architecture, landscape,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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The Monastery of Santa Maria d'Alcobaзa, north of Lisbon, was founded in the 12th century by King Alfonso I. Its size, the clarity of its architectural style, the beauty of the materials used and the care with which it was built make it a masterpiece of Gothic Cistercian art.
"Monastery of Alcobaзa" was added to Unesco's World Heritage List in 1989. 
mon 2 May 2005 22:52
comments (15 from 89)
all comments descending
Oliveira Costa Oliveira Costa #1 mon 2 May 2005 23:01

Beautiful picture. Amazing.

A. Girao A. Girao #2 mon 2 May 2005 23:01

Beautiful composition, Miguel!
Um abraзo

apl apl #3 mon 2 May 2005 23:15

Great work! Well exposed!

Brian Swift Brian Swift #4 mon 2 May 2005 23:18

Well captured architectural image with good tones,you can just picture the Monks wandering through the cloisters deep in meditation.Congrats!!! Miguel.

Serge Motylev Serge Motylev #5 mon 2 May 2005 23:32

Great photo!

Maria do Carmo Maria do Carmo #6 mon 2 May 2005 23:35

great work, very beautiful!!!

A V E A V E #7 mon 2 May 2005 23:37

pretty cool! beautiful architecture.. i wish you captured more of the top rather than buttom..

Remi Aerts Remi Aerts #8 mon 2 May 2005 23:45

wonderfull work

Andrea Zaccarelli Andrea Zaccarelli #9 mon 2 May 2005 23:50


(what place is this Niquel?)

Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #14 Tue 3 May 2005 00:36

#9 Andrea Zaccarelli wrote:

> suggestive!

(what place is this Niquel?)

ciao Andrea!
c'и il monasterio di Alcobaca, in Portogallo, no molto lontano da Lisbona. Fondato nel XII secolo. "La chiesa di Santa Maria, all'interno del monastero, risale al XIII sec. ed и composta da un unica navata, il chiostro del silenzio risulta affascinante per la purezza e la semplicitа delle forme"

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #10 mon 2 May 2005 23:55

Great interior miguel!!

miguel miguel #11 Tue 3 May 2005 00:04

Luz e perspectiva impecбveis!!!Um abraзo.

Andrey Chepurnoy Andrey Chepurnoy #13 Tue 3 May 2005 00:30

Graceful columns!

luquesio melo luquesio melo #15 Tue 3 May 2005 01:34

Tive aulas (aquilo que se chama hoje work-shop)no telhado deste mosteiro em 1967...uma aula prбtica antes de acabar o curso!
Excellent capture Miguel.
Best regards.

silvia marmori silvia marmori #16 Tue 3 May 2005 01:37

um monasterio incrivel.. uma architetura esplendida..e o fotografo percebeu tudo isso e compos uma foto muito bela!