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фото "CURVES" метки: абстракция, макро и крупный план,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Dear friends
Very good weekend for all.
сб 18 июн 2005 22:31
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (15 из 18)
все комментарии по убыванию
mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #1 сб 18 июн 2005 22:44

master of the colours; have a good evening

Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #2 сб 18 июн 2005 22:48

Magnificas cores e composicao
Um belissimo trabalho, Cris

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #3 сб 18 июн 2005 22:57

Super colorful, Cris. Bom final de semana.

Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #5 сб 18 июн 2005 23:48

great colors and composition!!

cliff rosbotham cliff rosbotham #6 сб 18 июн 2005 23:49

fluorescent caterpillars, lovely image Cristina

Cristina Domingos Cristina Domingos #11 вс 19 июн 2005 02:35

Dear Cliff
It is almost this, but you know, I don't have courage to kill an animal and paint to take a picture rsssss.
Thank you for your comment!!! Good weekend!!!
Hugs and kisses

silvia marmori silvia marmori #7 вс 19 июн 2005 00:01

wow.. beautiful curved colours, this time!!..
outra boa, Cris.. sao tudas creativas, e gosto muito delas... um excelente week end, minha amiga!.. beijinhos улыбаюсь

chandru shahani chandru shahani #8 вс 19 июн 2005 00:22

This is more of an object of art than a photo as such.
such a lovely, tasteful layout of such lovely curves.

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #9 вс 19 июн 2005 00:44

This is very interesting my friend!
Beautiful curves and colors!!!

Obrigada pelo cafй. O sapatinho jб estб em cima de minha mesa. Lindinho!

Юрий Тяпин Юрий Тяпин #10 вс 19 июн 2005 01:56

so nice and clear colors!
bom fim de semana

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #12 вс 19 июн 2005 07:49

lot of nice colors...
bom fim de semana pra vc amiga

miguel miguel #13 вс 19 июн 2005 19:44

Bonita imagem com as cores vibrantes que sгo seu apanбgio!

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #14 пн 20 июн 2005 02:03

Interesting composition and colours!


armando jorge armando jorge #15 пн 20 июн 2005 03:43

Excellent composition !! Parabens

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #16 пн 20 июн 2005 23:07

Really strange but beautiful effect Cris!!