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Фото "Fiscal Island - Guanabara Bay - Rio de Janeiro"

фото "Fiscal Island - Guanabara Bay - Rio de Janeiro" метки: путешествия, архитектура, пейзаж, Южная Америка
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Fiscal Island - Guanabara Bay - Rio de Janeiro
Fiscal Island - History and leisure in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

As the plane starts to descend on Santos Dumont Airport, all the passengers stretch their necks towards the windows. Tourists and 'cariocas' (people who was born in Rio de Janeiro) alike want to enjoy the sight of a little green castle surrounded by coconut trees and palm trees on a small island in Guanabara Bay. Famed as the venue of the last ball hosted by the Brazilian Empire on 9 November 1889, Fiscal Island stands out in the landscape and is an attraction open to the public.

Among the attractions, halls with temporary and permanent exhibitions that portray the history of the island and of the Brazilian Navy, stained-glass windows and carved stonework – columns, arches, festoons and symbols of the Brazilian Empire.

In 1881 the customhouse started to be built, a design of engineer Adolpho Josй Del Vecchio. Soon after, the island received the visit of D. Pedro II. Delighted with the superb view of the bay, the Emperor is said to have defined it as “a delicate jewel box, worthy of a dazzling jewel”. 
пн 20 июн 2005 17:39
цифровая фотокамера Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT
объектив Canon EF S 17/85mm - 3.5
фотовспышка Canon 380 X
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комментарии (8 из 8)
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Gilbert Morisson Gilbert Morisson #1 пн 20 июн 2005 17:58

Nice view, colors in harmony. Best regards.

silvia marmori silvia marmori #2 пн 20 июн 2005 18:08

a very nice view.. well composed image

Andre Teyck Andre Teyck #3 пн 20 июн 2005 19:28

Excellent composition an colours !
Congrats !

Таня Шепитько Таня Шепитько #4 пн 20 июн 2005 23:23

Perfect composition.

Сергей Пуляев Сергей Пуляев #5 вт 21 июн 2005 14:30

good photo and the excursion.

Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #6 вт 21 июн 2005 20:41

beautiful image!!!!

ricardo frantz ricardo frantz #7 пт 1 июл 2005 07:57

composiзгo muito interessante, com linda gama de cores em sutil harmonia.

Мартин Петров Мартин Петров #8 вс 17 июл 2005 18:42

Excellent composition an colours....