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Фото "wonderful lake"

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wonderful lake
pic was tooken at 2800 sea level "Seekofel" The sea is 1600 above sea level. the walk oround the sea is about one hour.
The walk from the sea to the top of this mountain is 3 ours past great dolomites mountains (and down 3 hours again). This is a sea in "Prags", southtyrol, italy. 
ср 10 авг 2005 20:03
фотовспышка Canon
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комментарии (11 из 11)
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A. Girao A. Girao #1 ср 10 авг 2005 20:11

Wonderful image, great colours, well done!!
Thanks for notes!

Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #2 ср 10 авг 2005 20:13

very beautiful composition, Martin!
(in my opinion you should crop the down part of the picture, that is out of focus; like it is it can loose impact...)

Martin G Martin G #3 ср 10 авг 2005 20:34

Thank you Miguel! thank you for this detail. your opinion is very important for me. thanks a lot.

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #4 ср 10 авг 2005 20:52

Awessome view!
Great colours,light/shadows.
Thanks of descriptuion.
Weel done.


silvia marmori silvia marmori #5 ср 10 авг 2005 20:56

so beautiful view... very nice angle to take it, so blue!

Вадим Никитин Вадим Никитин #6 ср 10 авг 2005 20:59

Great view, great shadows!

Jorge Rosa Jorge Rosa #7 ср 10 авг 2005 21:51

Nice landscape!

luquesio melo luquesio melo #9 чт 11 авг 2005 13:14

Truly beautiful place worths a visit and lots of pictures!

nelson del Castillo nelson del Castillo #10 чт 11 авг 2005 19:00

Great photo.

Михаил Маслов Михаил Маслов #11 чт 11 авг 2005 19:48

Well captured moment! Regards!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #12 вс 14 авг 2005 20:47

Wonderful view!!!!
Well captured!!!!