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Hi, my friend Bere,
Excellent capture, tones, colours and light.
Realy it is a Palais!!!!
A BIG HUG !!!!!
Great capture!
Excellent and interesting architecture!!
Well defined details!
Abraco, bom domingo.
O-o-o, le Jardin du Luxembourg!!!
Beautiful Parisian gardens.
Paris is a marvellous city.
Very nice details and composition.
Beijinhos, Bere
Bonita perspectiva desta fonte, boa luz e detalhes, bom registo Berenice!
good capture y good colours, regards.
Well Done.
Great capture!
bravo Berenice ! Very well done ! Warm regards , Barry ))
Beautiful, Bere. Well framed. Bom domingo. Jinhos.
Beautifully captured
Very beautifully, my friend!
Kisses )))))
linda, linda!!! cores muito harmoniosas e riquнssimas texturas, parece atй uma tapeзaria.