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Фото "Edge of the lens :)"

фото "Edge of the lens :)" метки: разное, природа, дикие животные
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Edge of the lens :)
He was flying on the lake that situated in Habarana Lodge Hotel - Sri Lanka.

Oopps Igonna miss him in a second!

but i think i was lucky enough :) 
пт 14 окт 2005 13:01
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комментарии (13 из 13)
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Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #1 пт 14 окт 2005 13:08

this is a very beautiful capture, Dilantha!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #2 пт 14 окт 2005 13:11

Excellent and very beautiful capture!!!
Well done Dilantha!
Warm regards!

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #3 пт 14 окт 2005 13:11

very good capture; best regards

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #4 пт 14 окт 2005 13:14

Excellent capture and details.
Good background.


Dilantha Maneth Perera Dilantha Maneth Perera #5 пт 14 окт 2005 13:24

Thank you nuno, Miguel, Berenice and and mircea.

Its so plesure to rescive wishes from you улыбаюсь

Best Regards!

Arantha Sirimanne Arantha Sirimanne #6 пт 14 окт 2005 13:32

Hi Dilantha!

Marvalous Capture ! You are one of the best photgraphers in Sri Lanka. Keep up the good work & keep your new stuff posted.



silvia marmori silvia marmori #7 пт 14 окт 2005 15:27

lucky enough.. and good shot!..=)

Phil Sanders Phil Sanders #8 пт 14 окт 2005 18:55

Excellent capture .. just made it .. good clarity

Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #9 пт 14 окт 2005 19:14

Beautiful capture

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #10 пт 14 окт 2005 19:27

Great bird shot, well captured!

fele fele #11 сб 15 окт 2005 01:37

Great composition with excellent detail and charming flight idea. Best compliments!

Jaak BELLEN Jaak BELLEN #12 сб 15 окт 2005 20:22

Excellent capture. Well done.
Kind regards,

Jaak Bellen.

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