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Фото "Genesis I"

фото "Genesis I" метки: пейзаж, путешествия, Южная Америка, вода
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Genesis I
Hot water pools (the SALAR) in BoLIVIA
"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them".
( The Bible, Genesis, chap. A - thanks to Barry). 
пн 17 окт 2005 19:44
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комментарии (14 из 14)
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Денис Л Денис Л #1 пн 17 окт 2005 21:30

Very unusual work! I like it! Good color!
Best regards!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #2 пн 17 окт 2005 21:33

I like it!!!
Very interesting composition!!!
Beautiful light and contrast!
Warm regards!

Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #3 пн 17 окт 2005 22:33


Roberto Roberto #4 пн 17 окт 2005 22:50

Excellent! Well done. Brings a smile.

Павел Анухин Павел Анухин #5 вт 18 окт 2005 00:19

very unusual shot

chandru shahani chandru shahani #6 вт 18 окт 2005 00:50

Looks pretty decent to me.
Very good lighting, decent lighting.

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #7 вт 18 окт 2005 03:09

Excellent light!
Very well composed and captured.


Lila Lila #8 вт 18 окт 2005 07:45

Хорошая работа с чувством юмора.

Phil Sanders Phil Sanders #9 вт 18 окт 2005 11:51

Brilliant composition .. so effective

Ion Popa Ion Popa #10 вт 18 окт 2005 15:04

Das ist fantastik

deus ex deus ex #11 вт 18 окт 2005 19:26

excellent! regards

julia gilbaum julia gilbaum #12 вт 18 окт 2005 22:04

Well done!

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #13 вт 18 окт 2005 22:18

And so it began. " In the Beginning " A perfect photo and title !
Warmest regards , Barry улыбаюсь ))

Brites dos Santos Brites dos Santos #14 вт 25 окт 2005 11:49

WOW... Very well thinking and excecuted.