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Фото "As it was in 1797 so it is today."

фото "As it was in 1797 so it is today." метки: архитектура, путешествия, пейзаж, Северная Америка
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As it was in 1797 so it is today.
место съемки:
This is a photo of the inside main dome. I was drawn to the light in this shot. There was Tinsel for the Christmas holiday that crossed the inside making some interesting lines. This is no indication of the exquisite baroque detail that makes up the inside of this mission. My wife has some superb shots of the statuary and bas releifs inside. I may have to borrow a few of her shots to really tell the story. Many of my shots did not approach the ones she managed to get. I will start with mine for now. 
сб 24 дек 2005 19:05
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комментарии (9 из 9)
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mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #1 сб 24 дек 2005 19:11

Merry Christmas!!!

William Tan William Tan #3 сб 24 дек 2005 19:24

Great work!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you,my dear friend!!!

Bernd Ratfisch Bernd Ratfisch #4 сб 24 дек 2005 19:38

Excellent composition and great light control. Greeat impact.
Merry christmas!

Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #5 сб 24 дек 2005 19:47

Excellent composition!!! Merry christmas!!!

Maria do Carmo Maria do Carmo #6 сб 24 дек 2005 23:26

Excellent composition!!! Merry christmas!!!

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #7 вс 25 дек 2005 10:10

Interesting architecture beautifully seen!
Merry christmas!

Юрий Гогин Юрий Гогин #8 пн 26 дек 2005 09:11

Wonderful light!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #9 пн 26 дек 2005 13:12

Great composition and details!!!
So beautiful!!!!
I like it a lot!

Kathleen B. Kathleen B. #10 пн 26 дек 2005 21:00

Great perspective and very interesting work
and notes.
Warmest regards улыбаюсь