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Фото "Sunset in the shortest day"

фото "Sunset in the shortest day" метки: пейзаж, закат, зима
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Sunset in the shortest day
место съемки:
That photo I took from one of the balcony in the hospital where I'm working at 21.12. It was so nice golden sunset at about 14h:)Enjoy to looking that photo and thank you! 
чт 5 янв 2006 13:12
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комментарии (11 из 11)
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Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #1 чт 5 янв 2006 13:49

Какая красивая розовая зима, Мари!!! Очень красиво!!! С Новым Годом!!!

Jaak BELLEN Jaak BELLEN #2 чт 5 янв 2006 15:53

Great winterlandscape Mari. The last rays of the sun add some warm tones. I really like it.
Best regards,

Jaak Bellen.

silvia marmori silvia marmori #3 чт 5 янв 2006 16:37

sunset at 14h!.. улыбаюсь ).. here we have now at 20h...
beautiful warm tones, mari.. and a so nice view you have there at work...

Ion Popa Ion Popa #4 чт 5 янв 2006 22:05

Real golden!!!!!

Roberto Roberto #5 чт 5 янв 2006 23:41

Beautiful colors and Winter scene.

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #6 пт 6 янв 2006 02:52

Very beautiful light. Regards.

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #7 пт 6 янв 2006 03:00

Wonderful tones and winter scenery!
Well composed.


John Farrar John Farrar #8 пт 6 янв 2006 04:29

Beautiful warm winterscape - Well done Mari - I like this photograph - John

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #9 пт 6 янв 2006 04:58

very pretty photo Mari ! warm regards , Barry улыбаюсь ))

cliff rosbotham cliff rosbotham #10 вс 8 янв 2006 00:22

love the softness you have created mari

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #11 вт 10 янв 2006 05:53

Wonderful image with great light and colors!
Lovely scene captured my friend!
Excellent work!