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Photo "" Anniversary ""

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" Anniversary "
Yes, as we all know, photography was born on January 7, 1839, and it seems it was invented separately and simultaneously by two men who would never meet: William Henry Fox Talbot, an English scientist who invented the “Calotipia” process, and Jacques Louis Mande Daguerre, a French painter who fixed the first fleeting image and whose process he named “Daguerreotipia”!
At the beginning the role of photography was more to record rather to interpret and the aesthetic quality of photographs was judged by how closely it resembled a painting, but on the twentieth century some photographers began to see themselves as artists and nowadays, a photograph once published, can be immediately seen around the Globe and, obviously, can also be endlessly re-examined and interpreted, so its great popularity means that photography had to struggle to gain public recognition as an art form, although, for some critics, that recognition is still far away from reality!

This is my photograph #200.
Best regards and many thanks for your support and kind comments. 
Sat 7 Jan 2006 00:13
digital camera Nikon D100
lens Nikon 105 F/2.8
comments (15 from 43)
all comments descending
fatima condeco fatima condeco #1 Sat 7 Jan 2006 00:20

great work and good have these two gentlemen

Gennadi Jurshevich Gennadi Jurshevich #2 Sat 7 Jan 2006 00:25

Beautiful ....

Kathleen B. Kathleen B. #3 Sat 7 Jan 2006 00:28

Thank you for the information.
Excellent work, Luquesio- wonderful idea.
Warmest regards smile

Gilbert Morisson Gilbert Morisson #4 Sat 7 Jan 2006 00:44

Nice composition!

silvia marmori silvia marmori #5 Sat 7 Jan 2006 00:44

so.. happy aniversary for those who love photography.. amateurs or professionals.. that doesnt mind.. what is important is the pleasure to shoot!!..=))..
and again happy anniversary for you, my dear Luquesio!.. 200 beautiful reasons to share , and i hope 200 and more and more reasons .. to go on... beijao, meu amigo!!!

Rostislav Alexandrovich Rostislav Alexandrovich #6 Sat 7 Jan 2006 01:06

Good idea, and well done.

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #8 Sat 7 Jan 2006 02:17

Beautiful tribute for the photography, Luquesio.
Congratulations for your 200th!
Beijinhos. smile

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #9 Sat 7 Jan 2006 02:22

Very original composition, great notes!

Abraco BFS

cliff rosbotham cliff rosbotham #10 Sat 7 Jan 2006 02:45

wonderful luquesio, could they have ever imagined in their wildest dreams where it would lead , excellent

Antonio Vale Antonio Vale #11 Sat 7 Jan 2006 03:10

Lindo registo.
Excellent idea and composition

chandru shahani chandru shahani #12 Sat 7 Jan 2006 03:19

Brilliant presentation.

Roberto Roberto #13 Sat 7 Jan 2006 03:42

Well done, thank you for the sense of history.

Olga Zagorodnova Olga Zagorodnova #14 Sat 7 Jan 2006 06:11

Congratulations for your anniversary shot !

Olga Maleeva Olga Maleeva #15 Sat 7 Jan 2006 07:55

!!!!! Thank's!

Nada Vujanic Nada Vujanic #16 Sat 7 Jan 2006 10:30

Wonderful idea for this 200 photo and congrats my friend!
Best regards smile