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Photo "Still-life with a New-Year tree balls"

photo "Still-life with a New-Year tree balls" tags: still life,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Still-life with a New-Year tree balls
Sun 8 Jan 2006 23:25
comments (12 from 12)
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Remi Aerts Remi Aerts #1 mon 9 Jan 2006 00:13

a perfect composed still

Eugene Grigoryeff Eugene Grigoryeff #5 mon 9 Jan 2006 01:20

Thank you very much. Remi! Happy New Year!

ricardo frantz ricardo frantz #2 mon 9 Jan 2006 00:25

splendid and very well balanced composition! the colors are surprisingly warm, lovely effect. perfect lighting as well.

have a happy new year!!!!

Eugene Grigoryeff Eugene Grigoryeff #3 mon 9 Jan 2006 01:18

Very thanks, Ricardo. Merry Xmas!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #4 mon 9 Jan 2006 01:18

Excellent still... So beautiful!!!
Great composition, details and lighting!
Well done my friend!
Happy New Year!

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #6 mon 9 Jan 2006 01:52

Well composed still fine definition and light, good colours!


Roberto Roberto #7 mon 9 Jan 2006 02:32

Excellent still life. Good lighting.

luquesio melo luquesio melo #9 mon 9 Jan 2006 11:58

Excellent still, very good lighting control! Well done.
Congrats and regards.

Marina Muther Marina Muther #10 mon 9 Jan 2006 17:37

Совершенно озорное, повторюсь, настроение вызывает этот ваш натюрморт! smile ))

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #11 mon 9 Jan 2006 18:46

great flower composition!

ilya ilya #12 Tue 10 Jan 2006 14:27

Сочная композиция.
Немного смущает перспективный завал небольшой.

Phil Sanders Phil Sanders #13 Sat 11 Feb 2006 08:29

Nice still life