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Фото "So the last shall be first, and the first last"

фото "So the last shall be first, and the first last" метки: пейзаж, закат, зима
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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So the last shall be first, and the first last
место съемки:
(Matthew 20:16)

Location & time: Guardistallo (PI, Tuscany, Italy), january 6th, 2006 (4:43 PM);
Tech. infos: 1/160 s, f/5, 7.1 mm, exp. -2 ev, flash. 
ср 11 янв 2006 01:10
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комментарии (15 из 42)
все комментарии по убыванию
chandru shahani chandru shahani #1 ср 11 янв 2006 01:52

You captured the scene wonderfully well and beautiful to see.

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #2 ср 11 янв 2006 01:57

Excellent light and tones, good atmosphere captured!


Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #3 ср 11 янв 2006 02:21

Beautiful light. I like the detail on foreground, he adds to the scene. Warm regards.

ricardo frantz ricardo frantz #4 ср 11 янв 2006 04:49

wonderful composition, with delightful colors and mood, and impressive minute detailing of all those tiny branches. grat graphic effect! very well captured and rendered!

Ольга Загороднова Ольга Загороднова #5 ср 11 янв 2006 05:54

Great composition, excellent light.

Kiara Kiara #6 ср 11 янв 2006 06:30

Ogni volta che la guardo, quest'immagine riesce ad ispirarmi pensieri, storie e fantasie...
Questi giganti sottili dalle mille braccia, si stagliano contro un meraviglioso tramonto aranciato, che lentamente cede il passo all'oscurita' delle tenebre, e, dall'alto della loro maestosita', controllano e proteggono il mondo...
Questa splendida ripresa dal basso da' risalto ai perfetti dettagli delle foglie e degli sterpi in primo piano e, contemporaneamente, nobilita l'inquietante presenza degli enormi scheletri neri...
Una meravigliosa poesia...

Юрий Гогин Юрий Гогин #7 ср 11 янв 2006 08:23

Nice sunset colors!
Best regards

AELITA AELITA #8 ср 11 янв 2006 08:59

A nice picture with a good composition.
Beautiful colors and sweet light, Fele

Kathleen B. Kathleen B. #9 ср 11 янв 2006 09:30

Good seen, fele улыбаюсь
Strong composition and excellent details.
Warmest regards улыбаюсь улыбаюсь

Remi Aerts Remi Aerts #10 ср 11 янв 2006 09:57

well done fele
good lights

Nada Vujanic Nada Vujanic #11 ср 11 янв 2006 10:28

Effective composition with oak leaves!
Nice idea for background улыбаюсь

Михаил Максимов Михаил Максимов #12 ср 11 янв 2006 10:40

Nice sunset shot
Warm regards

cliff rosbotham cliff rosbotham #13 ср 11 янв 2006 10:47

perfectly matched image and title fele, food for thought, excellent

OSavchin OSavchin #14 ср 11 янв 2006 10:50

Interesting interpretation

Roberto Palladini Roberto Palladini #15 ср 11 янв 2006 11:01

Bei colori, ottimo il distacco del primo piano dallo sfondo... che salva la foto! улыбаюсь