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Фото "In a blue world"

фото "In a blue world" метки: портрет, женщина
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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In a blue world
Photos taken on a beach in Denmark of my sister. Actually is was a B/H photo since changed to have this blue color and manipulated with radial blur (spin) 
пн 25 мар 2002 02:01
сканер Epson 1250
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комментарии (11 из 11)
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Morten Morten #1 пн 25 мар 2002 15:28


IPV IPV #2 пн 25 мар 2002 17:42

I love the movement

Pete Oldham Pete Oldham #3 вт 26 мар 2002 02:42

Just a beauty.

Per Bjarne Per Bjarne #4 вт 26 мар 2002 03:53

Hi Rune.
A very delicious image, I love the colours, the technique, the idea and most of all, the expression you`ve found in this image, besides the title.
Det er bare supergodt Rune. ;o)

Rune Johansen Rune Johansen #5 вт 26 мар 2002 12:47

Hi Bjarne
Thanks for your critics. I was so pleased to read this morning.
Best regards Rune
PS Mange tak Bjarne

Paul Bracey Paul Bracey #6 ср 27 мар 2002 16:53

this is nice, but the effect might have had more impact had she not been so centered - there are ways to create that effect with the center of the effect right where you want it, even if the subject is off center - just a thought

Paul Bracey Paul Bracey #7 ср 27 мар 2002 16:55

having zoomed out, I can see that the effect isn`t centered, but it would still be better if she wasn`t *grin*

Rune Johansen Rune Johansen #8 ср 27 мар 2002 18:01

Hi Paul
Thanks for your critics.
I don`t understand what you mean. How should I use the effect differently? You`re welcome to show it on my picture and then send it to me. But I`m very sure that the effect i centered.
The best regards

kurt yang kurt yang #9 вс 31 мар 2002 22:39

This is the weakest one you post here.

Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #10 пт 19 апр 2002 13:39

Great, Really great
(just a litle too big)
Regards Rune

Luis Leal Luis Leal #11 вт 30 июл 2002 02:03

Good work, love it.