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Фото "Simba, my cat"

фото "Simba, my cat" метки: природа, разное, домашние животные
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Simba, my cat
место съемки:
This is my cat Simba, watching what goes on outside through the window 
сб 28 янв 2006 05:39
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комментарии (6 из 6)
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Fausto Araujo Fausto Araujo #1 сб 28 янв 2006 06:51

Quite underexposed, grainy and blurred. This type of photo needs to be sharp with good exposure to show details. The black pillows in the background are very distracting.

Rodrigo Neves Rodrigo Neves #3 сб 28 янв 2006 15:31

Well, the underexposure was kind of intentional, to stand out his yellow eyes. About the blurriness and grains, it´s due to the scanner used to scan the picture, since it was an ordinary flatbed scanner, not a negative scanner, which is much more accurate. But thanks to your opinion and visit anyway.

Phil Sanders Phil Sanders #2 сб 28 янв 2006 11:29

Lovely expression but needed a little more light and clarity

miguel miguel #4 вс 29 янв 2006 23:04

Um belissimo "exemplar"! Abraco.

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #5 пн 30 янв 2006 06:58

Lovely expression captured!!!
I agree with Phil Sander. The image needed a little more light and clarity.

ND ND #6 ср 19 апр 2006 20:45

Otra belleza de foto ! Simba eres maravilloso, mi amor!