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Фото "Just after the storm"

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Just after the storm
место съемки:
The bell tower of one of the largest churches in our area. Taken just after a rain shower at the end of the day. 
пн 13 фев 2006 06:16
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комментарии (10 из 10)
все комментарии по убыванию
Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #1 пн 13 фев 2006 06:27

A beautiful diagonal composition... Very creative!!! Congrats! Warmest regards!

Galina Gershon Galina Gershon #2 пн 13 фев 2006 07:32

Very interesting architecture

Алексей Бородко Алексей Бородко #3 пн 13 фев 2006 09:43

Interesting view.

Phil Sanders Phil Sanders #4 пн 13 фев 2006 10:40

Clever angle of view

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #5 пн 13 фев 2006 11:14

Excellent diagonal composition!
Interesting architecture.


Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #6 пн 13 фев 2006 14:06

beautiful diagonal composition!!!

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #7 пн 13 фев 2006 16:45

Interesting diagonal composition. Best regards.

silvia marmori silvia marmori #8 пн 13 фев 2006 17:35

a nice point of view to enhance the architecture, loreen.. i like it

OSavchin OSavchin #9 вт 14 фев 2006 00:20

The intense diagonal!

Roberto Palladini Roberto Palladini #10 пт 24 фев 2006 17:56

Wonderful capture, beautiful perspective, Congrats