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Фото "Pénélope"

фото "Pénélope" метки: природа, техника, домашние животные
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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место съемки:
Where is she ??? Surely died, but befor ??? Someone hunt her out of my house, perhaps somebody take care of her during the rest of her live.
пт 3 мар 2006 16:49
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комментарии (9 из 9)
все комментарии по убыванию
Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #1 пт 3 мар 2006 17:15

Beautiful eyes. Cheers!

silvia marmori silvia marmori #2 пт 3 мар 2006 17:41

very nice portrait..
sure she is fine, dominic.. dont worry..
have a nice week end

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #3 пт 3 мар 2006 18:17

Beautiful cat portrait and expression captured!
Good details!


Татьяна Прокофьева Татьяна Прокофьева #4 пт 3 мар 2006 18:58

Very beautiful kitty!

Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #5 пт 3 мар 2006 20:48

Beautiful eyes
Well done

Phil Sanders Phil Sanders #6 сб 4 мар 2006 18:39

Lovely expression.....

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #7 вс 5 мар 2006 10:01

Beautiful expression captured!!!
Lovely portrait!!!!

miguel miguel #8 вт 7 мар 2006 15:17

What the heck is that white spot around the neck's cat? it's highly distracting. Your cat could be nice but as you can easy see it is out of focus. By the law of photography this is a bad shot.
PS- By the way. When you give someone a vote like "unsuccessuf snapshot " or "not bad" don't do it for revenge and leave your comment in the photos saying what are the flaws of the picture and suggesting better ideas to improve them. It will be a great pleasure for me to learn from you. It will be nice for us all.

Frangel Frangel #9 сб 18 мар 2006 23:38

Great detail work.
With best wishes ... подмигиваю