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Photo "The small sun in a flute"

photo "The small sun in a flute" tags: nature,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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The small sun in a flute
Sometimes in the early - early morning (when nobody sees him) the Sun looks in a flute with the purest, cleanest and cold water and washes. And when it starts to shake off, together with sparks in a flute there are also tiny sun :)) - it is possible to try to catch them and to take away with itself in a bucket, but nothing it to turn out - the small sun do not like to live in buckets, they will stay in a flute - to wait for the next morning and the following meeting with the big fine Sun! 
Thu 4 Apr 2002 08:31
comments (10 from 10)
all comments descending
kurt yang kurt yang #1 Thu 4 Apr 2002 16:25

very nice photo and great notes!

Berendey Berendey #2 Thu 4 Apr 2002 18:13

Какое прекрасное литературное вступление к фотографии! Получилось почти как эпиграф.
Красивое отражение, эффектно получилось!

Sergey Kushkin Sergey Kushkin #3 Fri 5 Apr 2002 17:49

Ходил недавно около точно такой же канавки, но так ничего и не снял. Ну и ладно. У Вас очень хорошо получилось.

Vitor Dias Vitor Dias #4 Fri 5 Apr 2002 18:47

I like it, Beautiful.

Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #5 Fri 5 Apr 2002 19:36

Lovely shot
Love this notes too

Anatolij Ivanov Anatolij Ivanov #6 Fri 5 Apr 2002 23:49

Все Ваши работы излучают доброту, даже солнышко в канаве доброе, поздравляю...

Victoria Victoria #7 Sat 6 Apr 2002 11:57

Хорошие Солнышки smile

Jacob Lopes Jacob Lopes #8 Sun 7 Apr 2002 14:15

Very good diagonal!
The brightness in water is perfect!

Phyl Toukach Phyl Toukach #9 mon 22 Apr 2002 14:07

по-моему, перебор с бликами в верхней половине

Andrew Shtcherbakov Andrew Shtcherbakov #10 mon 29 Apr 2002 17:44

Замечательно! Особено вступление. Надо Амину кинуть предложение ввести отметку за примечание smile