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Фото "Reunion between brother and sister"

фото "Reunion between brother and sister" метки: портрет,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Reunion between brother and sister
This picture has it`s own story. I had been travelling in Africa and didn`t see my sister for around a year. When we saw each other again we made this "Reunion picture". She is one of the most important people in the world for me. 
вт 9 апр 2002 23:49
сканер Epson 1250
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комментарии (4 из 4)
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Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #2 ср 10 апр 2002 01:32

Great emotion captured, but... I think this image needs to be reprocessed for web presentation - the dimensions ought to be smaller, the quality of the image - higher...

Rune Johansen Rune Johansen #3 ср 10 апр 2002 12:29

Hi Alenka and Александр
Thanks for your comments on my picture.
It`s very nice when people tell what it`s wrong.
I made the quality less sharp, and maybe the image to big.
I`ll try to work on that later to day.
Have a very nice day.
All my best regards

Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #4 пн 15 апр 2002 18:56

Lovely Moment!
Well done

Lita Lita #5 вт 3 сен 2002 00:18

Det er meget godt stemning i dette billede.