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место съемки:
Enchanting Fjord

The Nordic sky shines blue across the bay
Enhancing light and snow with morning’s rays
Reflections like a sheet of silver glass
Now shimmering from the great leviathan’s pass
The air is crisp and clean as Odin breathes
As gently it does whisper through the trees
Imagination fired so clear within my mind
Upon the snow topped caps I soon will find
A Valkyrie with flowing golden hair
Her sword upraised to heaven’s glorious glare
And through the vastness… bright I can behold
The glistening sun now on the water bold…..

Phil Sanders
чт 15 июн 2006 20:12
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Oscar Oscar #1 чт 15 июн 2006 20:21

Excellent landscape. Natural colors. I think we will see many your beatiful Norway landscape.

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #2 чт 15 июн 2006 20:26

excellent atmosphere - beauty landscape in Norway... regards

ricardo frantz ricardo frantz #3 чт 15 июн 2006 20:28

a lovely picture and a lovely poem! great couple!

chandru shahani chandru shahani #4 чт 15 июн 2006 21:09

Did you know that the fjords of Norway were rated
as the best unspoiled travel destination in the world
by national Geographic Traveler in 2004, with more
than 115 places competing for the top spot.
Just wondering if you were one of the Judge!

Phil Sanders Phil Sanders #13 пт 16 июн 2006 11:28

Hi Chandru

I wasn't but they would have got my vote.....

Cameron Fielding Cameron Fielding #5 чт 15 июн 2006 21:12

What a cracking photo Phil. Great composition, interesting variation in the weather pattern over the snowy mountains, and the colour of the water is superb. Nice one.

Chet King Chet King #6 чт 15 июн 2006 21:53

Nice travel shot phil. Calendar/postcard material?

Elena HL Elena HL #7 пт 16 июн 2006 00:12

Wondeful view! Great atmosphere and silence! Good colors!
Congrats, dear friend! Lovely poem, Phil!

cliff rosbotham cliff rosbotham #8 пт 16 июн 2006 00:21

breathtaking scenery and a glorious image phil

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #9 пт 16 июн 2006 02:20

Beautiful view and landscape perspective Phil, nice natural colours and light, good details!!


Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #10 пт 16 июн 2006 03:16

WOW!!! Wonderful work... Fantastic!!!!!
Warmest regards!

Татьяна Ижевская Татьяна Ижевская #11 пт 16 июн 2006 08:00

Colours are magnificent. Beautiful work.

Михаил Максимов Михаил Максимов #12 пт 16 июн 2006 09:42

very beautiful

silvia marmori silvia marmori #14 сб 17 июн 2006 16:50

impressive.. the image, and after reading your beautiful poem, the image again, with new eyes seen...
congrats for both, dear phil!

Loreen Smith Loreen Smith #15 вс 18 июн 2006 05:48

This is just awesome Phil! Image and poem are perfect.
You are so gifted!