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Фото "Love Dedication"

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Love Dedication
This is the dedication of the fiancee, following the battle. Although it is not show on the picture, this was set up at the "stage" of something similar to a greek anphitheater, with more than 10 steps up. It was filled with people from all over the country and abroad who witnessed the dedication. The man on the right in red is his father and the one on the left, the blackknight, is his best man. 
ср 16 авг 2006 03:36
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Иван Березицкий Иван Березицкий #1 ср 16 авг 2006 04:56

Шо это он коленопреклонно такую морду скривил?

Luis Lima Luis Lima #2 чт 17 авг 2006 02:08

I have no idea what you just asked... грущу

Иван Березицкий Иван Березицкий #4 чт 17 авг 2006 03:41

Here mimiks.

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #3 чт 17 авг 2006 02:13

Excellent report, great light and definition!


silvia marmori silvia marmori #5 чт 17 авг 2006 17:34

such interesting it is.. thanks a lot for your notes!!..

Brites dos Santos Brites dos Santos #6 чт 17 авг 2006 19:50

Lindissima cena. Que reportagem Luis...

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #7 вс 20 авг 2006 08:04

Excellent moment captured... Well composed!!!!