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Фото "Hello Fellow Critic's!"

фото "Hello Fellow Critic's!" метки: портрет, жизнь ФФ, мужчина
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Hello Fellow Critic's!
место съемки:
Well hello there my fellow critic's ! Glad to meet you ! As you can see I am in a fine humor and don't care what the ratings are. Just wanted to drop in and say a big hello to all my friends on the forum!
It is always good to be able to make fun of oneself !
пт 8 сен 2006 09:12
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (15 из 25)
все комментарии по убыванию
Phil Sanders Phil Sanders #1 пт 8 сен 2006 10:48

And you are still wearing that T-shirt!!!

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #2 пт 8 сен 2006 10:49

Excellent portrait and expression captured!
Well taken!
Have o good day!


Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #3 пт 8 сен 2006 10:52

Hello Barry!!!

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #4 пт 8 сен 2006 12:20

Hello Barry,
I see, You are in good atmosphere, very good, best regards!

Nada Vujanic Nada Vujanic #5 пт 8 сен 2006 12:41

Hey, nice idea for a photo and it is provoking for some critic`s. "Old guys rule"- kiss for an old guy!
But, I can`t rate this one.

Николай Обухов Николай Обухов #6 пт 8 сен 2006 12:57

you should not upload the photo in photorating, this shot is for community and discussion section. Nothing to rate, the picture just for friends.

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #7 пт 8 сен 2006 16:55

Perhaps I will my friend. but I just wanted to introduce myself to my fellow critics.
Warm regards.

silvia marmori silvia marmori #8 пт 8 сен 2006 18:01

heyyyyy смеюсь
no signature, but i know who made this photo!!.. смеюсь смеюсь

Arvid Klokk Arvid Klokk #9 пт 8 сен 2006 22:41

Hey, naise to se you улыбаюсь , and so happy smile to улыбаюсь

Roberto Roberto #10 сб 9 сен 2006 07:28

Excellent candid portrait. I think your other model is more attractive though.

julia gilbaum julia gilbaum #11 вт 12 сен 2006 09:27

Good morming you to!

Brites dos Santos Brites dos Santos #12 ср 13 сен 2006 03:49

Hi Barry...

Thanks and... I left you a little joke.. улыбаюсь
(Made with your pictures of corse!) мой вариант фото

вариант фото

yves ralim yves ralim #13 ср 13 сен 2006 09:54

Hello Barry!
what happy atmosphere my friend!

Markus M. Markus M. #14 ср 13 сен 2006 20:14

you are right, only the humor keeps life going on.

Igor Igor #15 пт 15 сен 2006 15:07

Dear Barry! Thanks for warm words. It to you my gift. Igor. )))) мой вариант фото

вариант фото