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Фото "Так что сначала?..."

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Так что сначала?...
Так что сначала - задницы или передницы?... 
сб 16 сен 2006 15:29
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Fa_Sol Fa_Sol #1 сб 16 сен 2006 15:46

что за акция была ?

Геннадий Александров Геннадий Александров #4 сб 16 сен 2006 18:04

ФОТО ИНТЕРКЭМП - 2006 в Южной Чехии

Tigra Tigra #2 сб 16 сен 2006 17:10

Как на собачьей выставке: у каждой свой экстерьер! Конкурс на лучшую задницу для Плейбоя?! Или кто-то себе секретаршу выбирает на пленере? Назовите это "Искусственный отбор"...
Одна(в серединке) даже целлюлитом, похоже, подернута... Ах, девки!... Зачем им развивать мозги при наличии задниц...
А может быть это снимают кино о военном времени?...

Rostislav Alexandrovich Rostislav Alexandrovich #3 сб 16 сен 2006 17:36

looks like heaven.

Алексей Б& Алексей Б& #5 сб 16 сен 2006 19:04


Chet King Chet King #6 вс 17 сен 2006 00:44

What is the event or occasion for all these nudes?

Геннадий Александров Геннадий Александров #8 вс 17 сен 2006 00:54

International Photo Camp 2006
Third international meeting of photographers International Photo Camp 2006 took place on last weekend of June in Jemcina near Veseli nad Luznici. In this event participated over 120 photographers from nine countries and 17 models. Along with organisers were present 157 persons (and of course eight horses as well!).?
Friday´s evening was devoted to introduction of participantes, organizing questions, projection of images and a barbecue.
The main guest of this evening was accomplished Latvian photographer Wilhelm Michajlovsky, who presented two of his „photographic films“ (kind of diaporama).
On Saturday were participantes (divided into ten groups by twelve photographers) shooting nude in various locations of horse farm, manor park and also in historical carriages.
Sunday was devoted to collective photographing: in the morning it was shooting of parkur, groups of models in the carriage, on horse or while collective hunting-game. Also was made collective photo and selected the best model of Inter Camp – Lucie Kralickova. She obtained the Price of Server Katalogmodelek.cz from Jiri Zan.
After was Jan Saudek giving autographs. Currently was working international jury in this constitution: Gunars Binde, Wilhelm Michajlovsky (both from Latvia) and Romualdas Pozerskis from Lithuania. They were judging images taken by participantes. Following declaration of the winners was featuring Zdenek Podhursky. Valued prizes were conferred on by Garik Avanesian, publisher of PhotoArt Magazine, Jiri Cermak, owner of Agrocomplex Jemcina and Jan Saudek. Part of Grand Prix was also free participation in next International Photo Camp 2007.

Michael Lisman Michael Lisman #9 вс 17 сен 2006 09:46

Прямо смотр невест!
Оень понравилась.

Максим Чесалин Максим Чесалин #10 вт 19 сен 2006 16:02

Ну что тут скажешь!? Жаль меня там не было! улыбаюсь Отлично!