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Фото "Vision of the train station..."

фото "Vision of the train station..." метки: архитектура, пейзаж,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Vision of the train station...
место съемки:
LUZ Railway Station - Sao Paulo / Brazil 
пн 30 окт 2006 01:11
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комментарии (15 из 105)
все комментарии по убыванию
Иван Давыдов Иван Давыдов #1 пн 30 окт 2006 01:21

Great work, Berenice, really excellent found and composed!
Best regards!

Rich Read Rich Read #2 пн 30 окт 2006 01:28

I like the way you have the foreground silhouette acting as a frame for the main image. Nice.

Ирина Анурова Ирина Анурова #3 пн 30 окт 2006 02:07

such a gorgeous view!

Nada Vujanic Nada Vujanic #4 пн 30 окт 2006 02:21

Interesting geometry and pov.
Have a great day, big kiss!

Anatoli Potapov Anatoli Potapov #5 пн 30 окт 2006 04:15

The colors are great, you have good DOF and a wonderfully clear photo.

Brites dos Santos Brites dos Santos #6 пн 30 окт 2006 04:19

Perfeito enquadramento.

zhenghaoming zhenghaoming #7 пн 30 окт 2006 05:20

excellent composition and silhouette.

warm regards

Petri Volanen Petri Volanen #8 пн 30 окт 2006 08:12

Nice, well balanced composition, mood of leaving... Excellent.

Misha Torgovitsky Misha Torgovitsky #9 пн 30 окт 2006 08:14

Beautiful capture, nice job!

Виген Ахвердян Виген Ахвердян #10 пн 30 окт 2006 09:12

very nice composition...good light!

Андрей А Андрей А #11 пн 30 окт 2006 09:35

Superb, great POV and compo, Berenice.

Евгений Ючкин Евгений Ючкин #12 пн 30 окт 2006 09:40

Very beautiful composition and light!!!
Congrats my friend!

flemming rasmussen flemming rasmussen #13 пн 30 окт 2006 09:56

Excellent and fantastic composition, nice light and color, regards.

Roberto Palladini Roberto Palladini #14 пн 30 окт 2006 10:12

An other perfect composition. Kisses my friend

OSavchin OSavchin #15 пн 30 окт 2006 10:20

atmosphere of wanderings...