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Фото "Neptune's Discord !"

фото "Neptune's Discord !" метки: пейзаж, вода, зима
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Neptune's Discord !
место съемки:
I've loaded this one up because I like the contrast. I think the whites often look more impressive with a dark sky behind. This one comes out of the camera with no adjustment at all to the hue or saturation.

I must say I would prefer it if I had a manually controllable shutter. I'd set it faster to try and catch the thrashing water in a more static mode. 
пт 12 янв 2007 00:57
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комментарии (15 из 23)
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ric alexander ric alexander #1 пт 12 янв 2007 01:20

this is a very powerful image and has to go in my favorites. the beauty of mother nature is one to behold
added to favorites !

Blues Blues #2 пт 12 янв 2007 01:44

Very nice marine image ! So powerfull !

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #3 пт 12 янв 2007 01:46

you did a great work
dont worry

Андрей Жилин Андрей Жилин #4 пт 12 янв 2007 01:58

Picturesque photo!
I like it!

francisco pinto francisco pinto #5 пт 12 янв 2007 02:19

excellent PoV
impressive photo
i like the way the trashing water looks liken, not to static
looks more dinamic

well done

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #6 пт 12 янв 2007 03:50

Great work!!!!!
Perfect capture, my friend!

Billy Holmes Billy Holmes #7 пт 12 янв 2007 05:17

It conveys the sheer power of these crashing beauties very well as it is ! Awesome power well captured !!

Dorota K. Dorota K. #8 пт 12 янв 2007 05:22

feathered waves !
Excellent photo

Fernando Fernandez del Castillo Garcia Fernando Fernandez del Castillo Garcia #9 пт 12 янв 2007 05:50

great shot its so striking!!

congrats Cameron

Дмитрий Школьников Дмитрий Школьников #10 пт 12 янв 2007 07:14

Very dynamically, impresses!

Галина Лебедева Галина Лебедева #11 пт 12 янв 2007 10:25

Excellent work !!!

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #12 пт 12 янв 2007 10:35

impressive and powerful in great tonality!

Алексей Патлах Алексей Патлах #13 пт 12 янв 2007 12:54

Красивый,динамичный момент!

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #14 пт 12 янв 2007 14:10

very nice and spectacular moment capture; regards

silvia marmori silvia marmori #15 пт 12 янв 2007 15:05

you captured great, cameron.. all beauty, all strength...
wonderful those tones, yes...