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Фото "White on Grey."

фото "White on Grey." метки: пейзаж, вода, зима
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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White on Grey.
место съемки:
For me, this is a study of tones in natural light. For many people, the image would be nothing to "write home" about. There are no startling colours to catch the eye. But the light tones stand out well against the dark background, and not a drop of sun in sight. 
сб 20 янв 2007 14:57
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комментарии (15 из 17)
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ric alexander ric alexander #1 сб 20 янв 2007 15:09

i used to look for technical but my friend silvia marmori helped me to search the soul of a photo or scene, and now i am more happy with my work. It doesnt have to be technical, just appealing
this photo is exactly that, very appealing, the study of the water captured for just that moment, good work Cameron

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #2 сб 20 янв 2007 15:24

another one spectacullar... regards

Teemu Koppa Teemu Koppa #3 сб 20 янв 2007 17:01

Excellent capture!

silvia marmori silvia marmori #4 сб 20 янв 2007 19:09

no need of startling colours.. the wave, its strength.. and the palette of tones, with storm and freshness..
so much enough! улыбаюсь

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #5 сб 20 янв 2007 19:25

Wow-so powerful moment!

Алексей Патлах Алексей Патлах #6 сб 20 янв 2007 19:33

Отличная серия получилась!

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #7 сб 20 янв 2007 19:41

beautiful and impressive.
congrats Cameron.

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #8 сб 20 янв 2007 21:49

Nothing plain about this my friend. The play between land , sea and air is always of great interest. superbly taken.
Warm regards.

Billy Holmes Billy Holmes #9 сб 20 янв 2007 22:06

Your notes are right on target Cameron ! Excellent work !!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #10 вс 21 янв 2007 00:20

WOW!!! Wonderful moment captured!! Congrats, my friend!

cliff rosbotham cliff rosbotham #11 вс 21 янв 2007 00:34

rather more subtle than your previous posts, but still very beautiful, love these.
looking at the weather forecast you will be kept busy over the next week perhaps even snow in Clonque bay

Yuriy MS Yuriy MS #12 вс 21 янв 2007 02:08

Another wonderful work !!! Warm regards

Dorota K. Dorota K. #13 вс 21 янв 2007 04:35

I like the moment you captured )

Андрей Жилин Андрей Жилин #14 пн 22 янв 2007 01:06

Black stone as a Sea Monster!

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #15 пн 22 янв 2007 01:58

Great capture, nice detail and seascape tones!
