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Фото "Predator !"

фото "Predator !" метки: пейзаж, вода, зима
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Predator !
место съемки:
This shot proves to me that the sea is more than just wild water. Look closely at the lump of water coming over the wall.

Call me nuts... :-D, but I can clearly see a head, neck, right shoulder (slung back), right elbow, and lower back of a Predator (from the well-known horror films), pulling itself over the wall with it's head facing in the direction of the two boats, with menacing intent. I have not adjusted the shape of the water in any way. Infact the reason the image is so noisy, is that I wanted to show it without too much fiddling.

This is the last I'll post up in this current "saurus" series (unless there is anymore heavy weather drama over the coming weeks worth showing).

Hope you like it. 
пн 22 янв 2007 19:10
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System System #1 пн 22 янв 2007 17:40

the photo has been reuploaded
фотография была заменена

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #2 пн 22 янв 2007 19:21

good and spectacullar serie... regards

Kate Kate #3 пн 22 янв 2007 19:34


Petur Einarsson Petur Einarsson #4 пн 22 янв 2007 21:24

Very good vork.

Николай Ветров Николай Ветров #5 пн 22 янв 2007 21:50

Величавый вид.
Отличный кадр.

silvia marmori silvia marmori #6 пн 22 янв 2007 22:11

impressive ..and wonderful!

Billy Holmes Billy Holmes #7 пн 22 янв 2007 22:18

Yes I see the beast !!! Excellent work !

ric alexander ric alexander #8 вт 23 янв 2007 00:56

i see the predator, very good, but the power of nature can never be boring, we should grab it while we have it !
good work

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #9 вт 23 янв 2007 01:07

This series is excellent and wonderful!!!! Congrats, dear friend!

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #10 вт 23 янв 2007 02:20

The power of the sea, excelent moment and nice natural tones captured!


Сергей Белышев Сергей Белышев #11 вт 23 янв 2007 05:17

Превосходно, чувствуется мощь стихии.

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #12 вт 23 янв 2007 07:36

The power of the sea left alone, no one can tame !

Nada Vujanic Nada Vujanic #13 вт 23 янв 2007 12:03

Yes, wave looks like a monster and no wall can stop it.
But, I think it would be better with less noise (I have seen your notes)

Дина Темницкая Дина Темницкая #14 вт 23 янв 2007 16:08

exellent work!

Алексей Патлах Алексей Патлах #15 вт 23 янв 2007 16:51

С природой шутить не надо!