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Фото "The day after a storm."

фото "The day after a storm." метки: пейзаж, вода, зима
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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The day after a storm.
место съемки:
The air is filled with a salty haze, blowing straight into my face. The haze intensifies for a while after each wave-break upwind and along the beach.

The wet face of the rock to the right of my camera is evidence of the airborne spray, and although you can't see them, my spectacles are a complete waste of time without automatic screen wipers. But then I'd look a complete nerd if I had those. :-D

And the solitary seagull..... well he's just singing "Canta libre" ! 
чт 25 янв 2007 22:55
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комментарии (15 из 19)
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mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #1 чт 25 янв 2007 23:11

nice, other angle, nice sea shot; regards

Kate Kate #2 чт 25 янв 2007 23:19

Very nice beautiful shot!

ric alexander ric alexander #3 чт 25 янв 2007 23:33

the wet rocks, and the spray captured coming up into the air is attractive, a wonderful capture cameron
well seen

cliff rosbotham cliff rosbotham #4 чт 25 янв 2007 23:43

calm returns cameron, nice winter seascape, can't help noticing the shelving on the beach must have taken a pounding over the last few weeks

silvia marmori silvia marmori #5 чт 25 янв 2007 23:47

spray can be felt.. yes..
nice, so nice angle to capture sea's feelings

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #6 пт 26 янв 2007 00:50

nice angle and nice descriptin...
congrats Cameron

Robert H Robert H #7 пт 26 янв 2007 01:05

Cameron, this is an excellent costal shot with the wet rocks in the foreground and the crashing waves behind them are very well captured. The colors, tones and textures are great. My only other comment, and this is just my opinion so i hope you don't mind, is i find the seagull a distraction, it draws my attention away from the rest of the photo.

armando jorge armando jorge #8 пт 26 янв 2007 01:47

Good composition

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #9 пт 26 янв 2007 02:19

Wonderful detail and light, good moment, light and tones captured!


Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #10 пт 26 янв 2007 04:39

Wonderful comosition, light and tones!!!
Great atmosphere!!!

Billy Holmes Billy Holmes #11 пт 26 янв 2007 11:02

Sorry for lack of comment but health is not good and I am not able to comment all as I would like so I offer my vote and this repeated message to all. Thanks for understanding Billy

Извините за отсутствие комментариев, но здоровье - нехорошо, и я не могу комментировать все, как я хотел бы поэтому я выражаю свои голоса и повторяется это сообщение всем. Спасибо за понимание Билли

Алексей Патлах Алексей Патлах #12 пт 26 янв 2007 11:07

Красивый вид!

Дмитрий Бодунов Дмитрий Бодунов #13 пт 26 янв 2007 18:00

Отличный снимок!

Maria Ilcheva Maria Ilcheva #14 сб 27 янв 2007 00:10

beautiful landscape!!It's seems winter without snow:)

chandru shahani chandru shahani #15 сб 27 янв 2007 09:48

Details are clear, colors are eye catching and true.
You have been with camera in a right place and
decided to shoot in a right moment.