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Фото "Sunlight"

фото "Sunlight" метки: пейзаж, вода
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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место съемки:
пн 29 янв 2007 10:19
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комментарии (13 из 13)
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Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #1 пн 29 янв 2007 11:02

nice light reflection and green water effect!

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #2 пн 29 янв 2007 11:24

Excellent light, colours and clarity of water captured!


Roberto Palladini Roberto Palladini #3 пн 29 янв 2007 11:39

Excellent capture, great work. Congrats

Ларин Антон Ларин Антон #4 пн 29 янв 2007 13:12

Very good!

andrew bart andrew bart #5 пн 29 янв 2007 13:50

Great experiment... I like it...

silvia marmori silvia marmori #6 пн 29 янв 2007 16:19

excellent, dorota.. i love that light!

Teemu Koppa Teemu Koppa #7 пн 29 янв 2007 21:47

Beautiful light!
Very good capture!

ric alexander ric alexander #8 пн 29 янв 2007 23:01

the corridor of light so appealing, to pick part and light it. well seen

yves ralim yves ralim #9 вт 30 янв 2007 09:36

effective capture, nice light, colours and textures. congratulations

Виктор Буряченко Виктор Буряченко #10 вт 30 янв 2007 11:58

Game of solar beams, beautifully!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #11 ср 31 янв 2007 07:28

A beautiful light captured!!!! Congrats!

Ольга Б Ольга Б #12 пт 2 фев 2007 22:20

Lovely ! Great composition, details and tones!

N. Armstrong. N. Armstrong. #13 вс 4 фев 2007 20:26

Aside from photography I'd love to get my Microscope at that desmidia on the river bed...

But thats another story.
This is a pleasant shot, though a little discomforting. Dark forest? Hard sunlight and not alot of it anywhere else.
A powerfully pleasant angle on a widely seen shot.