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Фото "A very fresh day."

фото "A very fresh day." метки: пейзаж, вода, зима
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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A very fresh day.
место съемки:
Taken on 11th February. I think this is a textural study. Smooth sky, gritty sand, hard surface angular rock, and crazy water. The sunlight put in a good show also.

I expect a few people to suggest cropping the bottom. I've tried it already, and simply decided that I wanted the "action" to be in the middle third of the image, so retaining a vertical equidistant perspective.

Although there is debatable highlight clipping (burn out) in the spray above the rock, I think this is one of my better images. Opinions folks !! 
чт 15 фев 2007 18:21
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Teemu Koppa Teemu Koppa #1 чт 15 фев 2007 19:04

Beautiful texture!
Well-balanced image!

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #2 чт 15 фев 2007 22:10

powerful effect, wonderful color mix!

Марк Гузик Марк Гузик #3 чт 15 фев 2007 22:39

Good contrast water and sand. Excellent composition.

ric alexander ric alexander #4 чт 15 фев 2007 23:02

my opinion - who cares about technical, as i said before, what is photography ? an art maybe, if so do we tell van goch that his painting are not following ruile of thirds ? no, we wouldnt dare !
we like paintings for their appeal, and colour, and that is how we should see photos. I used to follow all the rules, how boring. So now, i do what excites me, and i share, which is much more fun that spending 10 minutes checking all the rules.
This is great, you have captured the sea's spirit well so it is a success foir me !

Cameron Fielding Cameron Fielding #5 пт 16 фев 2007 00:26

Ric, thanks for your notes. I do agree with you on the tech issue also.

I would like to add, that most artists it seems, feel that photography is not an art. But.....question, does it become art if a photograph is reproduced in oil on canvas !

Then again, who cares !!! смеюсь

Dorota K. Dorota K. #6 пт 16 фев 2007 01:07

glad you didn't crop the bottom, seems to make the action area more dynamic that way, great contrast of action...,I like the impression that everything else stopped for you and posed, except for the water..)

Dorota K. Dorota K. #7 пт 16 фев 2007 01:35

..and about photography not being an art..?, !!!, ...I think the tools we have are different these days for sure,
but it still takes a 'special eye'..and much more ..to 'capture' that one moment..not other, and nobody else did but you )

Cameron Fielding Cameron Fielding #8 пт 16 фев 2007 02:05

Dorota, (this is your first name I hope смеюсь , excuse me if I have got it wrong)..... I wholeheartedly agree.

And let's take it a step further, many photos are adjusted in editing software, which requires at least intermediate knowledge and experience to do properly. It could be considered an art to know how to adjust or finish an image to it's maximum potential.

It does though help if the pre-edited image has a certain something about it, and the basics to make a good show !!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #9 пт 16 фев 2007 09:25

WOW!!! Fantastic moment capture... Wonderful!!!! Warmest regards!

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #10 вс 18 фев 2007 05:24

very expressive capture
strong sea...

Maria Ilcheva Maria Ilcheva #11 вс 18 фев 2007 15:34

beautiful powerful waves!!Well captured!!And still no snow??!:)Here has plenty of snow:))

Tigra Tigra #12 вс 18 фев 2007 23:38

Struggle of elements! Superb! Similar on a dinosaur. улыбаюсь

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #13 пн 19 фев 2007 02:18

Wonderful captured, very nice the detail texture and wave capture!


Roberto Palladini Roberto Palladini #14 пн 19 фев 2007 10:01

Wonderful composition. Congrats

silvia marmori silvia marmori #15 чт 22 фев 2007 18:15

i like composition.. i don't mind that highlight at spray..

and now i read the comments about art..
if photography is art or not?.. semantic discussions?..
well, who cares?.. isn't it wonderful anyway?
i agree.. photoshop will not make a bad image, good..
the soul of the "catcher" must be in the image!