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Фото "Jefferson Memorial"

фото "Jefferson Memorial" метки: репортаж,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Jefferson Memorial
место съемки:
THOMAS JEFFERSON - political philosopher, architect, musician, book collector, scientist, horticulturist, diplomat, inventor, and third President of the United States. 
вс 18 фев 2007 22:13
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (15 из 17)
все комментарии по убыванию
mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #1 вс 18 фев 2007 22:24

excellent composition and modality for presentation; my congrats and good week

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #2 вс 18 фев 2007 22:27

excellent capture
congrats my dear friend

Petur Einarsson Petur Einarsson #3 вс 18 фев 2007 22:53

What a beautiful!!! I like it.


ric alexander ric alexander #4 вс 18 фев 2007 23:04

the darkness is good, with the building shining through it,and its reflections, good work

Kate Kate #5 вс 18 фев 2007 23:08

Excellent shot!!!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #6 вс 18 фев 2007 23:45

WOW!!! Wonderful image!!!!! Perfect capture, my friend!! Congrats!

Roberto Palladini Roberto Palladini #7 пн 19 фев 2007 00:14

Very beautiful capture. Regards

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #8 пн 19 фев 2007 02:13

Great nocturne reflections, nice detail and exposure, well composed!


Linda Mercaldo Linda Mercaldo #9 пн 19 фев 2007 02:18

WOW Chandru what's a magic atmosphere!Congrats my dear friend!

Алексей Патлах Алексей Патлах #10 пн 19 фев 2007 05:57

Красивая работа!-

Billy Holmes Billy Holmes #11 пн 19 фев 2007 06:15

Very complimentary capture of the memorial !!

Наталья Ревкина Наталья Ревкина #12 пн 19 фев 2007 09:57

I find the photograph extremely interesting. Very beautiful composition! Very nice work! Great details and colors! My congratulations, Chandru!

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #13 пн 19 фев 2007 11:27

so graet night shot, wonderful view of the architecture!

Yuriy MS Yuriy MS #14 пн 19 фев 2007 21:55

Very beautiful image, regards

Teemu Koppa Teemu Koppa #15 пн 19 фев 2007 22:44

Excellent night view!
Excellent composition and lights!