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Фото "Теперь даже я вижу самолет"

фото "Теперь даже я вижу самолет" метки: репортаж,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Теперь даже я вижу самолет
место съемки:
Сегодня - празднование "Дня армии" 
чт 15 фев 2007 21:46
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комментарии (15 из 25)
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chandru shahani chandru shahani #1 чт 15 фев 2007 22:48

If you have a college degree or are about to earn one,
you may qualify to become a Serbian Air Force officer,
one of the largest airforces in Europe. You will then fly
planes rather just to see them.

Nada Vujanic Nada Vujanic #4 чт 15 фев 2007 23:25

Uff, I guess I finished wrong collage. So, I need to start all over again, in order to fly planes. (I think there are no girl pilots in Serbia, wow, my mum will be proud to see me in uniform). Or, ... I can find a pilot to give my a ride улыбаюсь

ric alexander ric alexander #2 чт 15 фев 2007 22:53

great composition and the timing to catch the planes is excellent
added to favorites
congrats Nada

Yuriy MS Yuriy MS #3 чт 15 фев 2007 22:55

Interesting shot ! Warm regards

Ольга Г Ольга Г #5 чт 15 фев 2007 23:56

Interesting photo! Nice composition and tonality!

Cameron Fielding Cameron Fielding #6 пт 16 фев 2007 00:39

Great title смеюсь !! Excellent shot.

cliff rosbotham cliff rosbotham #7 пт 16 фев 2007 01:55

very well conceived image and clever title

andrew bart andrew bart #8 пт 16 фев 2007 02:19

Отличное название...

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #9 пт 16 фев 2007 09:17

Perfect capture... Very beautiful!!!!! Congrats, my friend!

Алексей Патлах Алексей Патлах #10 пт 16 фев 2007 12:44

Пусть полеты будут только показательными!

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #11 пт 16 фев 2007 13:28

very good composition and tonality; regards

yves ralim yves ralim #12 пт 16 фев 2007 14:23

Valentine's day Tuesday... Army day Friday... already???
enjoy a nice peacefull weekend! kisses

Светлана М. Светлана М. #13 сб 17 фев 2007 00:53

Interesting composition and tonality.

Deniz Senyesil Deniz Senyesil #14 сб 17 фев 2007 01:49

Perfect capture... Very beautiful!!!!! Congrats!!!!!Best Wishes,

Jacek M. Jacek M. #15 сб 17 фев 2007 02:09

Excellent capture and atmosphere.Very good work!