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Фото "wharf scenes #7 (or the colorful boat detail)"

фото "wharf scenes #7 (or the colorful  boat detail)" метки: абстракция,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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wharf scenes #7 (or the colorful boat detail)
место съемки:
carrasqueira wharf
alcacer do sal

(critiques most wanted and welcome)

thank all you people for your comments and critics on my previous posts

1/400 sec
вт 15 май 2007 02:16
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комментарии (14 из 14)
все комментарии по убыванию
Roberto Palladini Roberto Palladini #1 вт 15 май 2007 11:19

Fantastic graphic composition, wonderful colors. Congrats

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #2 вт 15 май 2007 13:03

wonderful color mix, well seen and captured!

Jose CalvinHo Jose CalvinHo #3 вт 15 май 2007 13:42

A very good graphism, with beautiful colors!!

Sabirjan Kurmayev Sabirjan Kurmayev #4 вт 15 май 2007 15:50

Bright colors and well composed although I would have cropped a bit from the left so that the red band is not interrupted in its lower part.

francisco pinto francisco pinto #6 вт 15 май 2007 22:40

thank you for watch and comment my photo
i guess that you 're right about the crop
best regards


Сергей Литвинов Сергей Литвинов #5 вт 15 май 2007 18:43

Красивые цвета и фактура !!!

Дмитрий Шкирёв Дмитрий Шкирёв #7 ср 16 май 2007 19:08

A very good color mix!!!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #8 чт 17 май 2007 09:41

Great composition and colors!!!! Forte abraco!

Roberto Roberto #9 чт 17 май 2007 12:23

Excellent composition. Good graphics.

Teemu Koppa Teemu Koppa #10 вс 20 май 2007 00:17

Excellent texture and colors!

Linda Mercaldo Linda Mercaldo #11 вт 22 май 2007 12:07

Very well composed! Fantastic bright colors!
Congrats Francisco, i like it!

Jose Antonio Moreno Jose Antonio Moreno #12 вт 29 май 2007 01:46

Great colorful and well framed.

Геннадий Александров Геннадий Александров #13 ср 5 сен 2007 10:35

You have a good picture. See can use technology and knowledge.

Мозоленко Дмитрий Мозоленко Дмитрий #14 сб 25 сен 2010 23:33

как попугай!