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Фото "attitude"

фото "attitude" метки: путешествия, портрет, Европа, женщина
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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комментарии (10 из 10)
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Tigra Tigra #1 вт 24 июл 2007 20:08

Очаровательная работа!

Alvaro Poggiani Alvaro Poggiani #2 вт 24 июл 2007 20:44

Excuse if I say "mine"...
the attidudine is indisputable to the parades of the model, but I believe that you would have been able to valorize even more the model's dowries...
if only you had been able to use (she minds well: you had been able) a focal longer (or a more open diaphragm) in such way to mostly be isolated the subject from background.
You it didn't stuff too much case, my point of view is alone.

Oana Ingrid Oana Ingrid #4 вт 24 июл 2007 21:06

it's a street photo ... I saw her passing by for a second ... I took just one picture... the next second she was gone ... but thanks for the advice

Alvaro Poggiani Alvaro Poggiani #5 вт 24 июл 2007 21:34

I perfectly understand the difficulties, for this I have repeated: "you had been able"
I hope not to have bothered you, it was not in my intentions подмигиваю
On the other hand me I always consider that to the "possible observatories" you don't care which problems I have met in my photos, what counts is what I make him see.
Ciao... (your name is Oana or Ingrid?perhaps the second )

Chet King Chet King #6 вт 24 июл 2007 21:43

Nice street fashion shot.

Tiberiu Stoleru Tiberiu Stoleru #7 ср 25 июл 2007 01:34

Foarte bine realizata (vazuta in primul rand) scena, atentie la converdia in an ( daca provine de acolo supraexpunerea, eventual alege un canal de culoare nesaturat.

Tiberiu Stoleru Tiberiu Stoleru #8 ср 25 июл 2007 01:44

e.c. conversia in alb negru

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #9 ср 25 июл 2007 03:18

Excellent street shot!!!!
Warm regards!

Robert H Robert H #10 ср 25 июл 2007 23:02

plenty of attitude here, nice street shot.

Jose Ma. Carpinteiro Jose Ma. Carpinteiro #11 пт 3 авг 2007 01:56

Lovely shoot, Oana, bautiful at all.