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Фото "Marriage proposal"

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Marriage proposal
вт 16 июл 2002 14:39
пленочная камера Nikon F80 / N80
объектив Nikon 28-105mm
сканер Epson Perfection 1650
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (15 из 16)
все комментарии по убыванию
Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #2 вт 16 июл 2002 14:50

An very interesting and imaginative composition. An very beautiful picture. Good photograph. My congratulations, Margarida Madalena.

Natali Natali #3 вт 16 июл 2002 15:01


Fernando Redondo Fernando Redondo #4 вт 16 июл 2002 15:12

And they were happy forever...

Victor Camara Victor Camara #5 вт 16 июл 2002 16:04

Nice composition

Шурупчик Шурупчик #6 вт 16 июл 2002 16:09

Interesting title for such composition.

Serge CrMax Serge CrMax #7 вт 16 июл 2002 18:55

Interesting улыбаюсь

Владимир Буряков Владимир Буряков #8 вт 16 июл 2002 20:35

very nice

Antonio Matias Antonio Matias #9 вт 16 июл 2002 22:07

Do you know what was the first thing I thought when I saw this thumbnail and title?
"Hummm, a mix between marriage somehow with some character of the "Wizard of Oz..."
Now I realise that I was completely way out of it. I like it. Good job!

Alex Kirkovsky Alex Kirkovsky #10 ср 17 июл 2002 01:48

Well done, Margarida!

Jacob Lopes Jacob Lopes #11 ср 17 июл 2002 02:41

Original composition!
I like it!!!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #12 ср 17 июл 2002 03:38

Excellent composition!
Congrats, Margarida!

Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #13 ср 17 июл 2002 18:33

Excellent Magui!

Тронин Тронин #14 чт 18 июл 2002 22:47

Unusual look and well done!

Brites dos Santos Brites dos Santos #15 сб 20 июл 2002 02:04

Magnificent composition.

Ruben de Almeida AWAY Ruben de Almeida AWAY #16 пт 26 июл 2002 18:45

"Will you marry me? I promise to give you everything I have, except the one thing that keeps me alive: YOU!" улыбаюсь
Kisses! Nice photo!