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Photo "Risks and scrawls ..."

photo "Risks and scrawls ..." tags: portrait, woman
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Risks and scrawls ...
… words are very empty sometimes...they speak less than when a hand finds another on a look! I understand when you feel "little", when your dreams don`t come true, when your expectations are not corresponded... I`m here you know? (Mummy)

Yes, I know you`re there. But there are things that sometimes I have to hide so you don`t feel disapointed with me...mistakes make me learn. I have to fall to know how to stand up again! Let me fall, so I can learn! Donґt try to protect me from everything. I`m strong enough to recorver! (Daughter :) **** 
Sat 20 Jul 2002 05:54
comments (3 from 3)
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Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #1 Sat 20 Jul 2002 05:57

Here she is , and now I can say WONDERFUL. Is so nice, so tender! My congratulations, maria sao miguel.

Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #2 Sat 20 Jul 2002 06:51

very beautiful picture!

Zeca Zeca #3 Sat 20 Jul 2002 18:35

Beautiful hands and the composition !

Congrats Maria !